On Sat, 2010-05-08 at 14:54 -0400, Thomas Garner wrote:
> What's the simplest method to include scripts within a script?

you don't. there is no "inclusion" specified.

>  My end
> goal is to break out my js into more manageable pieces.

if you call clutter_script_load_from_* multiple times on the same
ClutterScript instance then ClutterScript will merge the definitions
(including extending the definitions of objects with the same type and
id or expanding the definitions of objects referred to only by an id).

the returned value for clutter_script_load_from_* is the merge id, which
can be used to "unmerge" the definitions.

you can refer to the ClutterScript API reference documentation, and to
the examples under Clutter's tests/ directory.


Emmanuele Bassi, Open Source Software Engineer
Intel Open Source Technology Center

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