On Fri, 2009-01-30 at 15:26 +0000, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
> hi everyone;
> clutter 1.0 is now really near. clutter 0.9.0 is going to be released
> very soon, still one branch left to be merged. clutter 0.9.0 is going to
> be "API slushy" -- which means that developers can start porting
> applications to the new API, and bindings developers can start updating
> their projects.

copy-and-paste undo FAIL :-)

originally, it was meant to say:

  good news, everyone! clutter 0.9.0, the first step towards clutter 1.0
has just been released. a tad later than expected, unfortunately, but we
decided it was better to try and land as much API changes as possible
before the 0.9.0 release, to allow better feedback from application and
toolkit developers and fix the eventual API issues before fully
committing to the 1.0 API.

sorry for the mix up


Emmanuele Bassi, Intel Open Source Technology Center

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