Mozilla has made public the code I worked on for them.  It is an
incomplete Autoconf + GMake --> CMake translator.  It was designed to
translate the stuff that appears in Mozilla's 400MB source code tree.
It hasn't been tested against their entire tree, only the against the
largest, worst files in their tree.  It is possible that the
translator may work on non-Mozilla code.  I'm willing to advise anyone
who wants to try to get the code working for their own purposes.  Bear
in mind, Mozilla holds copyright on this work, not me, as it was a
Work For Hire.  Mozilla has not put a license on the code, they just
made it publicly available.  So if you do choose to use it, be advised
that Mozilla may exert a license other than "public domain" for it.

I do not know if Mozilla is still interested in migrating to a CMake
build system.  I was unable to complete it for them.  Volunteer open
source developers could probably complete it, however.  The translator
is a big step in the right direction for tackling such a large build

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

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