
I'm working with add_custom_command and add_custom_target commands
as implemented in CMake 2.8.8.
For my command and target, I set COMMENT property.

I'd like to understand the actual order in which COMMENT messages are
displayed for command vs target.
The documentation says:

"If COMMENT is set, the value will be displayed as a message
before the commands are executed at build time."

When I look at the CMake output, the semantic of 'before' is slightly confusing.
Here is quick example:

$ cat ../CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8)
project (Hello)

add_custom_command(OUTPUT my.out
  COMMAND echo "touch my.out"
  COMMENT "Touching my.out"
add_custom_target(MyOut ALL
  DEPENDS my.out
  COMMENT "Making MyOut"

The custom target depends on custom command.
AFAIU, processing order is as follows:
1. The target is built, dependency discovered.
2. The command is built.

In details, given the documentation on COMMENT displaying included
above, I'd expect this:

1. The target MyOut requested to build
1.1. COMMENT "Making MyOut" is displayed, before building target
1.2. The target MyOUT is built, dependency discovered.
2. The command requested to build:
2.1. COMMENT "Touching my.out" is displayed, before executing command
2.2.   COMMAND echo "touch my.out" executed

However, actual output of the build looks like this:

mloskot build $ cmake ../
mloskot build $ make
[ 50%] Touching my.out
touch my.out
[100%] Making MyOut
[100%] Built target MyOut
mloskot build $

The COMMENT messages are displayed in reverse order than
I'd expect according to my interpretation of the manual.
I'd also say that the reverse order is counter-intuitive, isn't it?

Is my interpretation incorrect or there is anything in my
CMakeLists.txt or anywhere?

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net

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