Hi All,

I have been working on enhancing CPack documentation.

Some fair amount of work has now reached 'master'.
The two main features are:

cpack --help-variable-*
cpack --help-command-*

command line options.

As you will see:

$ cpack --help-variable-list | wc -l

there is already a bunch of CPACK_xxx variables whose documentation is now
easily visible to the user.

I need reviewers for all this.
You may review the whole doc with:

cpack --help-html cpack-doc.html

and read the cpack-doc.html with your favorite browser.

Most of the work was to retrieve the informations from C++ source
and/or CPack*.cmake scripts files.

Some "builtin" CPack variables have their documentation written in C++
code but...
if you have a look at git master CPack*.cmake files you'll see that
variables defined/used in the file(s)
may now be documented in the script file itself using a primitive
structured markup.

If you notice:
  - any error in the current documentation
  - any missing CPACK_xxx variable documentation

please comment on the tracker:

and/or attach a patch.

with your help CPack 2.8.8 may have a nice documentation.

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