[CMake] Ninja generator and showIncludes

2017-07-13 Thread Ghyslain Leclerc

I have been searching for a way to prevent the Ninja generator from issuing the 
showIncludes command to cl.

With our update to the latest CMake (3.8.2) on Windows (7 enterprise, at work) 
with the latest MSVC (2017 community), we now have a ton of messages saying

Note: including file: 

which makes it difficult to see the actual compilation warnings and errors.

Turned to Google and found some information about localization potentially 
being a problem, so I uninstalled MSVC 2017 which was in the French version and 
installed the English one. Turns out that only made the include messages 
English. :)

I searched the documentation for a target property that I could use but did not 
find anything. I thought of using target compile flag, but not sure how I would 
remove a flag.

Searched the mailing list for some info, but most of what I have found does not 
answer my question. For instance :


I also looked in the bug tracker and there does not seem to be any issue 
relating to that, so my guess is I am doing something wrong.

So if anyone else has had that problem and/or has a solution for me, I'd 
appreciate any insight.


Ghyslain Leclerc

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[CMake] Segmentation fault

2015-07-08 Thread Ghyslain Leclerc


I think I have found a “bug” in CMake and as suggested in the Mantis Bug 
Tracker, I am writing here on the list before actually filing the bug report in 
case it’s actually not a bug. I have also searched in the already filed bugs 
for a few minutes to see if it already exists and it does not seem to.

Here is the bug:

I have used the following call in my CMakeLists.txt:

When the CUR_LINK_LIBS variable is empty, CMake crashed with a segmentation 
fault. Naively, I would have expected a CMake error saying incorrect number of 
arguments or something like that, which CMake does all the time.

Maybe this is normal behaviour for set_property.

I am running CMake 3.2.3 compiled/installed via Macports on OSX 10.10.4 and 
Xcode 6.4.



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[CMake] Multiple targets

2015-06-22 Thread Ghyslain Leclerc


We have a modular in-house library that we use for our software.  Let’s call it 
lib_x.  Let’s call a few of the modules (we have 7 I think) mod_y, mod_z, mod_u 
and mod_v.  Let’s say I have two applications that use all of this and call 
them app_1 and app_2.

The way I have setup our CMake builds is that I first find out what modules of 
lib_x the applications app_1 and app_2 depend on.  Then I build a single 
library lib_x which include the selected modules and finally, I build each app 
independently and link against the single library.

For instance, let’s say app_1 depends on mod_y and mod_z and app_2 depends on 
mod_y, mod_z and mod_u.  Then, I would build lib_x with everything for modules 
y, z and u (excluding module v) and build app_1 and app_2 linking against lib_x

Might not be explained properly (my apologies), willing to answer any questions 
on that.

I am looking into changing/modernizing our build system.  From what I 
understand, instead of building everything into a single library, I could build 
separate libraries, export them as targets and link against them.  (Pretty sure 
I could have done that before, but just coming around to do it.)

Am I wrong ?  Am I completely missing the point ?  If I am not and it is a 
reasonable approach, is there a place where a tutorial is available ?  I am 
trying really hard to read the documentation on export command and targets and 
such, but I am having a real hard time when trying to actually implement 
anything concrete.

I first attempted to do this:
include_directories( "${LIB_ROOT_DIR}/include" )
add_library( general ${GENERAL_SRCS}
set_property( TARGET general PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 14 )
export( TARGETS general FILE general.cmake )

but then, the general.cmake file is nowhere to be found.  And if I test in 
another (parent) CMakeLists.txt to see if the target is defined, it is not.

Sorry if this is a silly question.  Trying to figure this out.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [CMake] Linking to Qt static libraries fails using cmake but not qmake (both OSX and Linux)

2015-03-10 Thread Ghyslain Leclerc


I have just run into this problem a few weeks ago.  My explanation might not be 
perfect, but from what I understand, it is related to the fact that the 
libraries which Qt depends upon have to be available for static linking to your 
application.  Those dependencies are “magically” brought in by qmake, but the 
CMake find package for Qt does not bring those in.  There have been some 
attempts, from what I gather, but nothing official for static linking of Qt 
applications with CMake.  Thus, my approach has been to find the system 
libraries myself using CMake and add them to the target_link_libraries() 
command.  Not much fun or robust (from my perspective), but works.  I have been 
able to statically compile and run the application on a colleague’s computer 
(where Qt was not installed at all).

There is also the concern of the plugins, mainly the platform plugins concept 
of Qt, which have to be compiled into your application.  If I understand 
correctly, when you request static linking from qmake (+= static), qmake 
creates a cpp file and adds it to your project.  This file simply contains code 
to insure that the plugins are compiled and can be linked against.  For CMake, 
you have to manually add these includes.  I do it in the main.cpp file or 
whatever file your main is in.

Here are links to the earlier discussion:

Stephen Kelly is much more knowledgable then me on this.  He usually responds 
pretty fast to the list (he helped me a lot on that).
Hope my explanations are not too confusing and that they help a little.
Best of luck.


This has been driving me crazy for a while now. Occurs for both OSX and  

OSX Mavericks 10.9.5, openSUSE Linux 12.3  
CMake 3.1.1  
Qt 5.4.1 (both shared and static builds, compiled from source)  

Using cmake to compile and link the simple Qt HelloWorld app against Qt  
shared libraries works just fine.  

Using the same cmake file and specifying the Qt static libraries instead,  
it fails in the linking (OSX: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64,  
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64?; LINUX: undefined  
reference to ?, collect2 error: ld returned 1 exit status)  

Message would seem to point towards static libraries not compiled 64 bit.  

But, if I use qmake to generate the makefile to use with the Qt static  
libraries, it compiles and links with no problem. No symbol problem here.  
Seems to indicate the static libraries are fine.  

Since using qmake seems to work fine I can?t pin down what the problem is  
with cmake.  

Can anyone shed some light on this?  

Source, CMakeLists.txt, and qmake .pro contents below. I?ve also attached  
failed linking output from OSX and linux cmake/make.  



int main(int argc, char **argv)  
QApplication app (argc, argv);  

QPushButton button ("Hello world !");  

return app.exec();  


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.11)  

find_package(Qt5Widgets REQUIRED)  
add_executable(helloworld main.cpp)  
target_link_libraries(helloworld Qt5::Widgets)  


SOURCES = main.cpp  
CONFIG += qt warn_on release  
QT += core widgets gui  

Thanks in advance.  


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Re: [CMake] Mixed linking

2015-02-10 Thread Ghyslain Leclerc

Stephen Kelly wrote: 
Ah, right the platform plugin issue. This is likely the reason for not 
running on OSX. 

CMake 3.1 learned a new feature specifically so that this would become 
easier in the future: 


qmake generates a file like the above for you and compiles it and links it 
into your application for you in the static version. 



Qt can do the same, but someone would have to patch Qt to do so. Something 
for the future... :) 

Thanks for all the insight.  I have been looking at this and quite a few posts 
(mostly from you !) to try and understand.  I think I get most of it.

That being said, I finally got a static executable for my application on my 
mac. What I did is build my application using qmake, get the linker command and 
manually find every library using cmake in order to recreate the linker command 
from qmake (I don’t think it makes a difference, but I’m not sure so I even 
kept the library order the same).  For my application, this is what did it 
ended up with (some boiler plate removed).

find_package( Qt5 COMPONENTS Widgets Sql PrintSupport REQUIRED )

find_library( DISKARBITRATION_LIBRARY DiskArbitration )
find_library( IOKIT_LIBRARY IOKit )
find_library( APPLICATIONSERVICES_LIBRARY ApplicationServices )
find_library( CORESERVICES_LIBRARY CoreServices )
find_library( COREFOUNDATION_LIBRARY CoreFoundation )
find_library( FOUNDATION_LIBRARY Foundation )
find_library( COCOA_LIBRARY Cocoa )
find_library( CARBON_LIBRARY Carbon )

find_library( OPENGL_LIBRARY OpenGL )

add_executable( calculum ${SRCS_LIST} ${UIS_LIST} ${HDRS_LIST} )

set( QT_INSTALL_DIR_GL "/sw/local/qt/" )
find_library( QCOCOA qcocoa
    PATHS "${QT_INSTALL_DIR_GL}/plugins/platforms" )

find_library( QDDS qdds
    PATHS "${QT_INSTALL_DIR_GL}/plugins/imageformats" )
find_library( QICNS qicns
    PATHS "${QT_INSTALL_DIR_GL}/plugins/imageformats" )
find_library( QICO qico
    PATHS "${QT_INSTALL_DIR_GL}/plugins/imageformats" )
find_library( QJP2 qjp2
    PATHS "${QT_INSTALL_DIR_GL}/plugins/imageformats" )
find_library( QMNG qmng
    PATHS "${QT_INSTALL_DIR_GL}/plugins/imageformats" )
find_library( QTGA qtga
    PATHS "${QT_INSTALL_DIR_GL}/plugins/imageformats" )
find_library( QTIFF qtiff
    PATHS "${QT_INSTALL_DIR_GL}/plugins/imageformats" )
find_library( QWBMP qwbmp
    PATHS "${QT_INSTALL_DIR_GL}/plugins/imageformats" )
find_library( QWEBP qwebp
    PATHS "${QT_INSTALL_DIR_GL}/plugins/imageformats” )

# Note, GL are my initials.  It was just to ensure no conflicts in names.  
Probably not necessary

target_link_libraries( calculum
                       m )

This seems like a lot of work to get what I want…  But if it does the job.  The 
fun part will be to see what I need on Windows and then put conditionals around 
that and all.

If I misunderstood something and there is an easier way to get a static 
executable from using static qt from CMake, please let me know.  I am posting 
this in case someone searches for information on how to link static Qt using 
CMake.  The title of my mail said Mixed linking, but it should probably really 
say static linking Qt5 using CMake, but I don’t know how to change it (I have 
seen on the list the formerly was …, but not sure if it’s appropriate or how to 
do it).

Again, thanks for giving a bit of your time.  Really appreciated.



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Re: [CMake] Mixed linking

2015-02-06 Thread Ghyslain Leclerc
Hello again.  Thanks for the answers.

To Stephen Kelly:

>> Here are a few questions for the list (hoping someone more knowledgable
>> than me will read this and help):
>> 1) Am I right when I say CMake, Qt and static linking don?t mix ?

>They should mix fine.

Alright, I won't give up just yet.  :-)

>> I have tried on OS X. I have compiled a static version of Qt, making
>> sure I explicitly enable every plugin I need. Then, I have used the
>> following CMake code :

>I recommend starting with a minimal testcase, make sure it runs, and add
>things until it doesn't. Find the change that breaks.

Thanks for the suggestion.  Just did.  Here is the code for CMake:

# Some definitions to setup Qt
add_definitions( -DQT_STATIC )

# Find Qt packages
find_package( Qt5Widgets )

# Find Qt dependencies
find_library( COREFOUNDATION_LIBRARY CoreFoundation )
find_library( COCOA_LIBRARY Cocoa )
find_library( CARBON_LIBRARY Carbon )
find_library( OPENGL_LIBRARY OpenGL )

include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR} )
add_executable( helwrld main.cpp )
target_link_libraries( helwrld  Qt5::Widgets ${COREFOUNDATION_LIBRARY}

 z )

And here is the main.cpp file


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QLabel *label = new QLabel("Hello Qt!");
return a.exec();

Don't know how to make it simpler.  Using the code compiles and links,
but still won't run.  Maybe my Qt static compilation was missing
something.  I will try and look into that.

To Norbert Pfeiler :

> Currently you have to define ?QT_STATIC? and explicitly include your
> required plugins in the code to get it working.

Thanks for the tips.  I looked up and now define QT_STATIC.  But I
just don't know how to include the plugins.  Actually, I always get
the error about the platform plugin (cocoa in my case).  Any tips ?

Thank you to all !

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[CMake] Mixed linking

2015-02-05 Thread Ghyslain Leclerc

My apologies for the long post, but I think context helps a little.

We have a set of applications (4 at the moment) which compile against ITK, VTK, 
DCMTK and Boost.  All of those things are compiled statically.  So is the 
application.  We are developing on Windows, OS X and Linux boxes, but deploying 
almost only on Windows, so the cross-platform quality of the libraries is 
important to us and CMake makes it relatively easy to target all those platform.

Without going into static vs dynamic territory, I’ll say that our choice is 
based on ease of deployment to the hospital network where IT has lots of 
control, but we do not.  So far, because of our choice of static linking, 
deployment is basically renaming the old .exe to keep an archive of all 
software that has been run clinical, and then put the new executable in place.

We’ve come to the stage where a GUI is something that would be practical.  We 
have decided to go with Qt.  We would like, if possible, to keep using static 
linking as a strategy, but as far as I can tell, trying to figure out how to 
use the new Qt5 macros, static linking of Qt is not exactly supported by CMake.

Here are a few questions for the list (hoping someone more knowledgable than me 
will read this and help):

1) Am I right when I say CMake, Qt and static linking don’t mix ?

I have tried on OS X.   I have compiled a static version of Qt, making sure I 
explicitly enable every plugin I need.  Then, I have used the following CMake 
code :
    find_package( Qt5Widgets )
    find_package( Qt5Sql )

    find_library( COREFOUNDATION_LIBRARY CoreFoundation )
    find_library( COCOA_LIBRARY Cocoa )
    find_library( CARBON_LIBRARY Carbon )
    find_library( WEBKIT_LIBRARY WebKit )
    find_library( IOKIT_LIBRARY IOKit )
    find_library( OPENGL_LIBRARY OpenGL )


    add_executable( calculum ${SRCS_LIST} ${UIS_LIST} ${HDRS_LIST} )

    target_link_libraries( calculum ${COREFOUNDATION_LIBRARY} ${COCOA_LIBRARY}
                                    ${OPENGL_LIBRARY} ${CARBON_LIBRARY}
                                    Qt5::Widgets Qt5::Sql 
                                    "/sw/local/qt/lib/libqtharfbuzzng.a" z )

    qt5_use_modules( calculum Widgets Sql )
Even so, the executable won’t run.  I have then tried using the 
BundleUtilities, but that still won’t work (although I am still figuring things 
out, so it might be misunderstanding on my part that’s the culprit)

2) If so, we will have to switch to dynamic linking for our GUI applications.  
In that case, is there a way to keep statically linking our other libraries 
(ITK, VTK, etc.) into our application and only dynamically link the Qt stuff ?  
If we can’t, it means we’ll have to create dynamic libraries of all our 
external libraries and link to them.  Deployment will be much harder for us, 
given that we have zero experience with that.

Can you point me towards some tutorials (or documentation, but sometimes, 
documentation only gets you so far without examples…) ?



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[CMake] Variable shadowing between scope, cache and command line argument

2014-07-30 Thread Ghyslain Leclerc

First post here.  Sorry if its too long.  Simply trying to be as clear as I can 

I am trying to make sense of the various ways to set a variable and how one can 
shadow the other.  Long story short, I am trying to get the following behaviour 
for a variable in a script:

  1 - check if MYVAR exists
          1.1 - If it does, test its validity and set a second variable named 

  2 - if MYVAR does not exist or if MYVAR_VALID is FALSE, inspect system for 
information and set MYVAR (with FORCE in the cache) and MYVAR_VALID (not in 
cache, but does not seem to make a difference).

Hope this is written clearly enough to be understood.  Sorry, english is not my 
first language.  Anyhow, I get the following behaviour easily except in one 
case, which is the reason for my question.  These are the cases I have tested :

- Start with empty cache and call ccmake.  Then, MYVAR does not exist.  My 
script inspects the system, sets the value, sets MYVAR_VALID to TRUE and stops. 
 On successive runs, the variable is defined and valid, so the system is not 
inspected again.  Everything is fine.

- Start with empty cache.  Run it once, but can’t find a valid entry (or find a 
wrong one somehow, but that’s practically impossible since the code in my 
script to inspect the system and to test the variable are basically the same.  
I digress, sorry).  Set MYVAR_VALID to FALSE.  User can set the value to a 
valid one and on next run, the script will set MYVAR_VALID to TRUE and then, we 
are back to variable defined and valid.  Everything is fine.

- Start with "non-empty cache" because ccmake (or cmake) is called with 
-DMYVAR:PATH="/Users/“, for instance.  If the value set on command line is 
fine, then MYVAR_VALID will be set to TRUE on the first run and no system 
inspection is necessary.  The value is now set and valid.  Everything is fine.

Now, for my problem :
- Start with "non-empty cache" because ccmake (or cmake) is called with 
-DMYVAR:PATH="/Users/“, for instance.  But this time, the value is not a valid 
one.  Then, the variable is defined but not valid.  So on the first run, the 
script will inspect the system.  If it can find a valid value, I would like my 
script to override the variable with the valid one. Then, set to valid and so 
on and so forth...

I have not been able to do this.  I can find the correct value, I can set the 
new value, but it is not used.  I mean by that that I have inspected the 
CMakeCache.txt file and when I call ccmake, the cache contains the value set on 
the command line.  Then, I launch my cmake script and output the values of 
MYVAR and MYVAR_VALID and they are respectively the one of the command line and 
FALSE.  Then, I find the correct value for MYVAR and try and set it.  When I 
inspect the cache, it seems the value has effectively been overwritten.  But 
when I try to output the new variables, it seems to remain stuck at the value 
provided on the command line.  I have tried using unset( MYVAR ) in scope, in 
the parent scope and in the CACHE before setting the new value.  Still, the old 
value is outputted.  The only way to get the new value is to close ccmake and 
launch it again.

Now if you’re still following (I am sorry, a bit complicated to follow I’m 
afraid, trying to be thourough), I guess my question is:
Is this normal behaviour ?   Is there something I am missing or is it simply 
how CMake works and I should simply tell my users to either initially set the 
right value or restart their ccmake.

I haven’t tested this on Windows with CMake-GUI yet.  I might have time to do 
it a little later.

Anyhow, if anybody has the courage to read through my mail and try and help me, 
thanks a million.



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