I have a function that makes simpler to implement a find script for simple


    MODULE_PRETTY_NAME "Example Module - for demonstration purposes only"
    INCLUDE_SEARCH_FILE ExampleModule/ExampleClass.hpp
    INCLUDE_PATH_HINTS */usr/local/include /opt/local/include*

    MODULE_LIBRARIES ExampleModule # this is the name of the
ExampleModule library file without a prefix or extension
    LIBRARY_PATH_HINTS /usr/local/lib /opt/local/lib

    #DEBUG # uncomment this for extra debug info about searching for
the module files

I've included the script and a more complete example below:

   - https://gist.github.com/ahundt/8584263

The function would need to be cleaned up and renamed, perhaps to something

   - find_package_library_script()
   - implement_find_script()

It would be great if a function like this could be added to CMake because
implementing most find scripts would become much easier.

Is there any interest in this functionality?

Andrew Hundt

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