On 2013-03-13 20:59, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
This simple CMakeLists.txt is broken with ninja:


add_executable(foo foo.cpp)

target_include_directories(foo PUBLIC

...with Ninja, the include directive passed to the compiler is '-I.'
(with the binary dir prefix similarly stripped for anything after the ${}).

It seems okay with the Makefile generator.

This does appear to be a CMake problem, and not a ninja problem, as in
the build.ninja I am seeing 'FLAGS = -I.'.

It would be nice to have this fixed before 2.8.11 final :-).

The problem is definitely in cmLocalGenerator::ConvertToOutputForExisting. I suspect this is failing because it sees the relative root as always CMAKE_BINARY_DIR, since that is the only directory to which build files get written (and works with Makefiles because the relative root is CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR).

Further, it seems to happen with include_directories also... and apparently it has always been broken (at least with also).



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