[CM] compiling on OS X?

2014-05-23 Thread David Lowenfels
Hello, I was a CCRMA MST ’03 grad and haven’t used snd for some years. I would like to compile it on my OSX 10.9.3. I use the homebrew package manager to install the dependencies like fftw and gtk. The configure tool does not seem to recognize my gtk, nor my ruby (installed with rvm) Any

Re: [CM] compiling on OS X?

2014-05-23 Thread Bill Schottstaedt
How did you get gtk? I haven't had any luck with it in OSX for a long time. The Snd configure script uses pkg-config to find ruby and gtk, so pkg-config gtk+-3.0 --cflags and something similar with ruby should give some info as to what went wrong. There's an environment variable

Re: [CM] compiling on OS X?

2014-05-23 Thread David Lowenfels
gtk+ is installed via homebrew (http://brew.sh) I had to patch make-config-pc.rb to include -L#{CONFIG[“libdir”]} $ diff tools/make-config-pc.rb tools/make-config-pc.new.rb 21a22 rubylibdir = CONFIG[libdir] 29c30 Libs: #{dldflags} #{librubyarg} #{libs} --- Libs: -L#{rubylibdir} #{dldflags}