You are correct about learning from our parents. I learned from my
grandparents. They were from Europe and when they first came here spoke no
English at all. It was not until my mother, their first born went to school
did they learn how to speak English. When I was at my grandparents home I
was not allowed to speak English. It was always Hebrew. I learned all my
traditions from my grandmother as well as cooking.

I too mean cure all those that are afflicted with illness and disease. I
would love to see every disease wiped out and every person live their pain
& drug free. I've been praying for this for a very long time and not
because I am ill or because I had family members who were very sick. I use
to work in the medical profession and I saw a lot of pain and suffering
that I could do nothing about. When it comes to myself, I am the type of
person that does not wallow in my pain. I do not find any comfort in that,
and it does not help. I find that if I find something to do to help others
in some way, then I have been productive. And besides, weather I'm doing
something or not, the pain will be there, so I might as well be doing

I am glad that you are the way you are Marty. It keeps you going. And the
ability to speak seven languages is an asset. And to get five of those
languages back within a day after your stoke is amazing. Was English more
of a second language in your home?  That could be why English took so long
to come back after your stroke. What part of Europe did your parents come
from? What other languages do you speak? I can also speak German and some
Russian and I learned Spanish in high school. Of course when I was in
medicine we had to know Latin. Oh my, did I just date myself? LOL However,
I don't remember very much of that.

How are you recovering from your stoke? Are you doing PT or anything like


On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 3:52 PM, Marty Gartenberg <> wrote:

> He will heal us, oh God, and we need to heal up and save us, and we will
> be saved, one we praise is you. To bring complete healing for all our
> diseases, Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum of God, you are loyal to us merciful King.
> God bless you, Sir, cure the patients of Israel
> When I mean "cure the patients of Israel" I mean cure every person that
> is afflicted with any disease through the world.
> As you must know I have been through some difficult time in the last
> several months and even more in the last 26 years ever since my bone marrow
> transplant but I still refuse to complain because I find that it does't
> help me. I have a much better way of dealing with things, which I have been
> doing for a long time. Trying to help people including my self as well as
> others.
> Mt Kidney transplant, my prostate operation, and my stroke, but I seem to
> get through these.
> Right after my stroke, at first I wasn't able to speak to well but as time
> went in only a couple weeks
> I got most of my speech back.
> A funny happened within a day or so I was able to get at least five of my
> languages back with full understanding I was even able to get the speech
> back but not my English until a month ago. Still working on that but almost
> completely
> When I was a young child my parents were from Europe and they spoke
> several languages
> So we learned from them.
> 18's and L'chaim
> Marty
> On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 11:56 AM, sherri swanson <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Marty,
>> As you can guess, it is Sunday.
>> You are correct when you say that Gleevec is a terrible taste but I don't
>> have to much of a choice. I did stop it for awhile under my doctors advice
>> and my numbers went threw the roof so he put me right back on the
>> medication. When he first put me on the Gleevec, it took me 2.5 years just
>> to get my numbers in the somewhat normal range. My CML is very stubborn.
>> Thanks for the tip on Biotene. I have tried that and now I'm something
>> else as that didn't work. Like I said above stubborn. Everything I have is
>> that way. They like me for some reason and don't want to leave me. LOL !
>> 馃槈 The new stuff I take is called Xylimelts and it has a mild mint
>> flavor that I love and they are all natural. They help increase saliva
>> which is something I need as I tend to get blacked salivary glands. ANd boy
>> is that ever a painful experience.
>> I must say your  Cyslosporine description does not want to make me run
>> out and try it any time soon. LOL I'm telling you, these drugs we take,
>> something they are almost as bad as the disease we have.
>> Thank you for Sabbath wish and the get well wish. I have something for
>> you as well.
>> 诇专驻讗 讗讜转谞讜, 讛讜 讗诇讜讛讬诐, 讜讗谞讞谞讜 爪专讬讻讬诐 诇讛讬专驻讗; 诇讛爪讬诇 讗讜转谞讜, 讜讗谞讞谞讜 讬讬砖诪专讜, 诇讗讞讚
>> 讗谞讜 诪砖讘讞讬诐 讛讜讗 讗转讛. 诇讛讘讬讗 专讬驻讜讬 诪诇讗 诇讻诇 讛诪讞诇讜转 砖诇谞讜, 诇讛讜 讗诇讜讛讬诐, 讗转讛
>> 谞讗诪谉 诇谞讜 讜诪专驻讗 专讞讜诐 讜诪诇讱. 讘专讜讱 讗转讛, 讗讚讜谞讬, 诪专驻讗 讗转 讛讞讜诇讬诐 砖诇 讬砖专讗诇.
>> L'chaim
>> On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 1:17 PM, 'Icandoallttc' via CMLHope <
>>> wrote:
>>> Yes me too.   So sorry. My husband had diabetes and suffered with mouth
>>> sores.   I hAd really bad sores while on Gleevec. My sores were on my lower
>>> parts And were like boils that came in sets of three.  I found you had to
>>> take your Gleevec with really mild foods. Have you tried taking it with
>>> milkshakes? Or ice cream?
>>> Gleevec threw every thing it could at me and I fought through it for 5
>>> years.  Prayers to you all.
>>> My Motto: Faith and Pills
>>> Jeanie 馃悷馃悷18,s
>>> Dx 1/2004. CML Leukemia
>>> Started Gleevec 2/2004
>>> Started Tasigna  9/2009
>>> Started Sprycel 11/2009
>>> Started Ponatinib January 2015
>>> Dr Balducci Moffitt Cancer Center
>>> On Jul 23, 2015, at 1:34 PM, Marty Gartenberg <> wrote:
>>> Hi Sherri,
>>> I feel so sorry for you to have to tolerate such a terrible taste in
>>> your mouth, and what is even worse are those mouth sores. It is like having
>>> a never ending battle.
>>> Maybe I can help you with something called Biotene/
>>> Even though is it basically for dry mouth it usually helped with some of
>>> the mouth sores. Hopefully it may also help you. You could try a small size
>>> just to see if it works.
>>> So what did Cyclosporine taste like? It tasted like a septic sewer only
>>> coated with some sort of a rotten oily moldy aftertaste. And that was in
>>> the liquid form of it. However in the capsule it was so large (there were
>>> six of them three time a day) that it made me vomit all of the time. And by
>>> the way it was always with severe mouth sores.
>>> So Sherri, at the next opportunity which will be on the Sabbath
>>> (tomorrow) I would also like to wish you, aHi Sherri,
>>> I feel so sorry for you to have to tolerate such a terrible taste in
>>> your mouth, and what is even worse are those mouth sores. It is like having
>>> a never ending battle.
>>> Maybe I can help you with something called Biotene/
>>> Even though is it basically for dry mouth it usually helped with some of
>>> the mouth sores. Hopefully it may also help you. You could try a small size
>>> just to see if it works.
>>> So what did Cyclosporine taste like? It tasted like a septic sewer only
>>> coated with some sort of a rotten oily moldy aftertaste. And that was in
>>> the liquid form of it. However in the capsule it was so large (there were
>>> six of them three time a day) that it made me vomit all of the time. And by
>>> the way it was always with severe mouth sores.
>>> So Sherri, at the next opportunity which will be on the Sabbath
>>> (tomorrow) I would also like to wish you, a continued Refuah Shleimal, and
>>> L'chaim
>>> And, as always 18's
>>> Marty
>>> Hi Marty,
>>> I Hope this message fines you well. Sorry to be so late in responding to
>>> you, but I do not use the computer on the Sabbath and I haven't been
>>> feeling well.
>>> So to answer your question, Gleevec has a very bitter astringent taste,
>>> and when you swallow it, the liquid burns all the way down. I would imagine
>>> it would be like drinking Drano only less caustic. No matter what you I do
>>> I can not get rid of the taste. I've brushed my teeth, used mouthwash and
>>> that tasted is still there for hours. On top of that, because I'm taking it
>>> in a liquid, I have mouth sores that never heal and each time I take my
>>> medication, I reopen the sores. It's also hard on the enamel of my teeth or
>>> at least that is what my dentist tells me. I would much rather swallow the
>>> pill but due to my paralyzed stomach, I can no longer do that.
>>> So what did Cyclosporine taste like? I can't image that it was very
>>> tasteful.
>>> L'chaim
>>> On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 3:25 AM, sherri swanson <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Marty,
>>>> I Hope this message fines you well. Sorry to be so late in responding
>>>> to you, but I do not use the computer on the Sabbath and I haven't been
>>>> feeling well.
>>>> So to answer your question, Gleevec has a very bitter astringent taste,
>>>> and when you swallow it, the liquid burns all the way down. I would imagine
>>>> it would be like drinking Drano only less caustic. No matter what you I do
>>>> I can not get rid of the taste. I've brushed my teeth, used mouthwash and
>>>> that tasted is still there for hours. On top of that, because I'm taking it
>>>> in a liquid, I have mouth sores that never heal and each time I take my
>>>> medication, I reopen the sores. It's also hard on the enamel of my teeth or
>>>> at least that is what my dentist tells me. I would much rather swallow the
>>>> pill but due to my paralyzed stomach, I can no longer do that.
>>>> So what did Cyclosporine taste like? I can't image that it was very
>>>> tasteful.
>>>> L'chaim
>>>> On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 2:34 PM, Marty Gartenberg <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Sherri,
>>>>> I am just curious I have tasted some awful things in my life,
>>>>> including liquid Cyclosporine with was the absolutely worth thing I have
>>>>> ever tasted in my life, but since i have never been on Gleevec can you 
>>>>> tell
>>>>> me what does it taste?
>>>>> On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 2:32 PM, sherri swanson <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> No problem. It is strange to tell someone that you don't eat solid
>>>>>> food and still take Gleevec. Or whenever I say that my stomach is 
>>>>>> paralyzed
>>>>>> I get the funniest looks. 馃槷 But I just explain what kind of illness
>>>>>> I have and people are so surprised. But I will say one thing, that 
>>>>>> Gleevec
>>>>>> is just awful tasting. But I've been doing for so long now that I've 
>>>>>> grown
>>>>>> accustom to the taste. Now that is sad. 馃槈
>>>>>> Hope everyone has a great weekend. Try and stay cool. It is going to
>>>>>> be in the 90's here in the Chicago area and very humid too.
>>>>>> L'chaim
>>>>>> Sherri
>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 12:33 PM, 'Icandoallttc' via CMLHope <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Sherri and all.
>>>>>>> I guess we have to realize that we are so unique and different.  We
>>>>>>> have to do what we have to do to survive.
>>>>>>> When I first went on Gleevec it wasn't working. So we crush the
>>>>>>> pills and everything hoping it would work. I didn't know at the time  
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> we were not supposed to crush the pills.
>>>>>>> I do know that some people can't swallow pills.  I'm so sorry to
>>>>>>> hear about your stomach problems.  I hope you get better.
>>>>>>> Thanks so much for your story.
>>>>>>> My Motto: Faith and Pills
>>>>>>> Jeanie 馃悷馃悷18,s
>>>>>>> Dx 1/2004. CML Leukemia
>>>>>>> Started Gleevec 2/2004
>>>>>>> Started Tasigna  9/2009
>>>>>>> Started Sprycel 11/2009
>>>>>>> Started Ponatinib January 2015
>>>>>>> Dr Balducci Moffitt Cancer Center
>>>>>>> On Jul 16, 2015, at 2:43 PM, sherri swanson <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>>>> While it is true we are not to take PPI's and we are to take our
>>>>>>> Gleevec with a meal, I happen to be the exception to that rule. I've 
>>>>>>> been
>>>>>>> on Gleevec since 2002. I have not taken my Gleevec with any solid food 
>>>>>>> in 6
>>>>>>> years. I have a paralyzed stomach and I can no longer digest solid 
>>>>>>> food. SO
>>>>>>> I must have only liquids. The only way I can take my Gleevec is 
>>>>>>> dissolved
>>>>>>> in 3 ounces of apple juice. NOW, I do not recommend that everyone go out
>>>>>>> and do this as it is very hoard to tolerate and I am very sick when I 
>>>>>>> take
>>>>>>> my Gleevec this way. But it is the only way I can get it in and it was
>>>>>>> doctor recommended. And, let me tell you, it tastes awful!
>>>>>>> As for the PPI's, I've been on those for as long as I've been on the
>>>>>>> Gleevec. However, do to my kidney disease, my nephrologist has taken me 
>>>>>>> off
>>>>>>> of the PPI and my stomach is very angry with me. More so than before.
>>>>>>> Now, I do not recommend that you go out an take the PPI's and
>>>>>>> Gleevec at the same time. I'm a special case and I was able to tolerate.
>>>>>>> Jeanie is correct when she says you should follow the instructions from 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> packet. I'm just relaying my experience.
>>>>>>> L'chaim
>>>>>>> Sherri
>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 1:02 PM, 'Icandoallttc' via CMLHope <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello all.
>>>>>>>> When I was in the hospital in 2009 after Gleevec failed I kept
>>>>>>>> asking my onc at the time to start me on Sprycel.  He wouldn't at 
>>>>>>>> first but
>>>>>>>> finally a nurse convinced him to do it.  He was giving me 600 mgs 
>>>>>>>> Gleevec
>>>>>>>> plus other drugs.  My platelets and WBC were very high and not coming 
>>>>>>>> down
>>>>>>>> even after blood cleansing.
>>>>>>>> He came in my room and gave me a prescription for Sprycel.  The
>>>>>>>> hospital I was in couldn't get the Sprycel so my son had it filled at
>>>>>>>> Walgreens.  I was reading the Sprycel information and it said no proton
>>>>>>>> pump inhibitors.  I found out that due to my side pain they were 
>>>>>>>> giving me
>>>>>>>> a proton pump inhibitor twice a day. No wonder the meds weren't 
>>>>>>>> working!
>>>>>>>> I refused to take the inhibitor again.
>>>>>>>> The Sprycel put me into remission in just a few months.  So be your
>>>>>>>> own doctor at times and read the info on your drugs.
>>>>>>>> My Motto: Faith and Pills
>>>>>>>> Jeanie 馃悷馃悷18,s
>>>>>>>> Dx 1/2004. CML Leukemia
>>>>>>>> Started Gleevec 2/2004
>>>>>>>> Started Tasigna  9/2009
>>>>>>>> Started Sprycel 11/2009
>>>>>>>> Started Ponatinib January 2015
>>>>>>>> Dr Balducci Moffitt Cancer Center
>>>>>>>> On Jul 16, 2015, at 6:39 AM, "'Icandoallttc' via CMLHope" <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi we are not supposed to have proton pumps on tkis.  I'm so sorry
>>>>>>>> he is sick.   He is supposed to take his gleevec with a large meal. I 
>>>>>>>> took
>>>>>>>> mine with my breakfast. Read your gleevec info and see the info there. 
>>>>>>>>  Has
>>>>>>>> he added any new med?
>>>>>>>> Keep him on mild food and see a dietician if possible.  Good luck.
>>>>>>>> My Motto: Faith and Pills
>>>>>>>> Jeanie 馃悷馃悷18,s
>>>>>>>> Dx 1/2004. CML Leukemia
>>>>>>>> Started Gleevec 2/2004
>>>>>>>> Started Tasigna  9/2009
>>>>>>>> Started Sprycel 11/2009
>>>>>>>> Started Ponatinib January 2015
>>>>>>>> Dr Balducci Moffitt Cancer Center
>>>>>>>> On Jul 15, 2015, at 2:47 PM, "" <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I would ask your Oncologist about alternative drugs to Gleevec.
>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 1:00:14 AM UTC-7, Choi wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi, this is Choi.
>>>>>>>>> My friend's 12 years old son have CML. He got diagnosed when he
>>>>>>>>> was 7 years old and on 200mg Gleevec for 5 years.
>>>>>>>>> Recently he has been suffering from severe nausea and stomach pain
>>>>>>>>> (sign of gastritis) for 2 weeks.
>>>>>>>>> His Doctor gave treatment for gastritis; proton pump inhibitor,
>>>>>>>>> PPI. but it doesn't work.
>>>>>>>>> Do you have any advice for relief from withdrawls symptoms?
>>>>>>>>> Choi.
>>>>>>>>  --
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