Pete:  I am sorry to hear about having the combination of Crones disease 
along with CML.  One is tough enough to deal with for sure.  My dr. told me 
that taking the Glucosomine/Chondroitin would take at least nine weeks to 
get into your system as it is a type of protien that is slow to absorb. And, 
he did say that some people do not notice any difference other than they 
don't wake up in the mornings stiff as they did before taking it.  So, I 
just stuck with it and I began to notice a difference a couple of weeks ago. 
  Before, I was waking up several nights with throbbing pain in my lower 
arms or in my lower legs.  My hands hurt, joints hurt too.  I would just 
take the Advil Liquid Gels sometimes three to four at a time for relief, but 
was worrying that I might be taking to much, so tried to just tough it out.  
Some times, I would take a hot shower and that would give some temporary 
relief.  But, I began to notice a couple of weeks ago,  I wasn't having the 
throbbing pain any longer (only when I over exerted myself).  I also was 
wrong about the amount in the bottle I bought,  it's 240 caplets for around 
$29 and they are the double strength of Glucosomine (500mg) & Chondroitin 
(400mg). I take three a day.  But,  with the crones,  I just don't know what 
to tell you.  I have a dear lady friend who has Neutropena (her body does 
not make white cells at all & she's the oldest living person with this 
disease) who found out last year that she has crones as well.  She's 
suffered with many infections, etc. and is struggling right now with 
infection to the lining of the heart.  She and her husband have two little 
girls, 4 & 6.  The 6 year old was born with the Neutropena and the youngest 
was not.  The only thing that keeps her going right now is her sweet little 
girls & husband and I ask that all keep her in your prayers. Her name is 
Angela. Her parents were told after she was diagnosed at 2 yrs. old that she 
would probably not live past five years old and she is now mid-thirties.  
She's been on some drug (injections twice daily) for the Neutropena and has 
done fairly well up until couple of years ago and that's when all the little 
infections began cropping up........dr's are saying that there is nothing 
more to be done other than a bone marrow transplant.  She just doesn't want 
to go that route just yet. Sorry,  didn't mean to get distracted.  Just hang 
in there and we'll pray for you.  Prayers sometimes help more than anything 
else.  As for the fatigue,  I did start a new vitamen regimen as well,  and 
started Bee Pollen (three capsules in the morning on empty stomach) and it 
seems to have helped somewhat.

Now for Trey,  I do not take calcium in a pill's the Viactiv 
Chocolate Chewable Squares that are calcium, Vitamen D & K for the bones.  I 
take two (500mg) a day.  So, I don't think I have anything to worry about,  
but I did start taking them at a part from the Gleevec just in case.   I've 
noticed that I'm not having as many muscle cramps as I was before,  so the 
extra calcium does help that.  I should have remembered because I had to 
take that one year when I was doing factory work and it was horribly hot (we 
didn't have air conditioning there) that summer and I was waking up in the 
night with awful bad leg cramps.  Someone suggested taking extra calcium and 
potassium, I did &  it worked.

I just want to say that I am so happy to have found this support system for 
those of us with CML and for all the great information I'm learning.  I am 
telling my husband about every new thing I learn from the group.  He's been 
with me every step of the way and for that I am most grateful.  I can relate 
to most all the symptoms and side affects from the Gleevec,  but so far no 
eye bleeds or hair loss.  I do have the eye swelling some mornings,   but 
just use a lot of icy cold wash clothes and some eye gel from Mary Kay 
that's good. It helps knowing other people are going through the same things 
and being able to share what's going on with the disease or with our 
recovery.  Also helps having others out there praying for you, too.

Thanks again,
52 yr. old female
dx Jan.2004
Began Gleevec mid-Feb. 2004
remission within  4 mo.'s

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