I was diagnosed August 3, 2005 with CML at Mayo in MN.  I started
taking 400 mgs of gleevec daily.  By the 3rd week everything was almost
normal including my very large spleen but then after that I crashed.
So on on off the med I went for months.  At diagnosis 98% of my cells
were leukemic then in November when I had another FISH test done 3.4%
of my cells were leukemic.  Then in December my local onc had me take
400 mgs of gleevec every other day because I was so freaked out about
being off the med.  So in March when I went back to Mayo for a 6 month
follow up they did another FISH to find out that my cells were up to
28%.  I went back on the 400 mgs every day.  They just redrew another
FISH now my leukemia cells are 68%.  My Mayo doc called and he wants me
to take 600 mgs for a week, have labs drawn which I do weekly and if
everything is fine start taking 800 mgs daily "if" I can tolerate it.
I have had neulastin shots to help white count production.  I go back
to Mayo June 7th.  My doc told me over the phone that when I came that
we would discuss the new age drug and transplant.  I will be 38 in June
and have no sibling match.  He knows I am strictly against transplant.
Has anyone out there had this happen but when taken the higher dose
that it helped.  Why would I have responded at first then have it take
off again?  Am I resistant?  HELP!!

Thanks for listening, Sheila

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