Enroute to and from Black Swift banding at Zapata Falls the past two days, I 
stopped at several atlas blocks and a ColonyWatch location to check for late 
season breeding evidence. 
August 18: Kenosha Pass (Park)
Ring-necked Duck, female with 4 duckings
American Coot, many young, most nearly grown
Hairy Woodpecker, pair with juvenile
Gray-headed Junco, adult feeding fledgling
(All of these were previously confirmed in the block, but late season records 
add to the phenological record)
Antero Reservoir (Park)
Eared Grebe, adult with two young
American White Pelican, 187 on islands and open water, including adults and 
birds fledged this year. Surprisingly, 23 large gray young with 13 adults still 
in a nursery.
Double-crested Cormorants, 205 adults and immatures
August 19
CR 6N (Alamosa)
Swainson's Hawk, 1 brancher on utility pole by nest. 1 agitated adults
Hecla Junction (Chaffee)
This prominent raft take-out spot is surprisingly birdy.
Western Wood Pewee, several fledglings generally with adults, including a 
single and group of three fledglings being fed
Gray Flycatcher, family group of four in pinyon-juniper 
Rock Wren, 2 fledglings
House Wren, several fledglings includng one in a bush babbling softly
Chipping Sparrow, adult feeding fledgling
Also White-throated Swift; Cedar Waxwings; Yellow, Black-throated Gray, and 
female Townsend's Warbler; and many Lesser Goldfinches
Clear Creek Reservoir (Chaffee)
American Robin, 2 adults with fledglings.

Chuck Hundertmark
2546 Lake Meadow Drive
Lafayette, CO 80026
Phone/fax: 303-604-0531
Cell: 720-771-8659


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