A few of us saw the Worm-eating Warbler and a singing Northern Waterthrush at 
the banding station at Chico Basin Ranch (fee area), El Paso County this 
morning.  Not much else going on there, few thrushes and catbirds, not many 
warblers.  At the Headquarter Willows at Chico Basin Ranch, Pueblo County, we 
saw a female Blackpoll Warbler (seemed to have dropped in a 9am), a singing 
Veery, and a singing male Rose-breasted Grosbeak.  At Rose Pond, Pueblo County, 
there was a Stilt Sandpiper, four Long-billed Dowitchers, one Red-necked 
Phalarope with the Wilson's Phalaropes, two Willets, and three Least 
Sandpipers.  There seems to be some empidonax flycatchers around out there now.

Since it was a slow migration day at Chico, Kara and Dan Carragher, Gene 
Rutherford, Robb Hines, and I went over to Hanson Nature Area in Fountain, El 
Paso County, around noon, and had no problem hearing, and then seeing the 
White-eyed Vireo (that Robb Hines found yesterday).  We also saw a couple of 
Chimney Swifts and a Green Heron at the south Rice's Ponds at Fountain Creek 
Regional Park, El Paso County.

Hopefully some of the goodies recently in SE Colorado, will make their way this 
way soon!

Brandon Percival
Pueblo West, CO

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