
Went back to Chatfield Reservoir this morning, hoping something new blew
in, but by the looks of it, not much did, except Goldeneye numbers bumped
up quite a bit. At the Marina sand spit an adult *Greater White-fronted
Goose* flew in with a flock of Canadas. A female *Red-breasted Merganser*
was near Plum Creek inlet.

Aurora Rampart Reservoir at the Roxborough entry had 2 female *Black
Scoters*, 1 *Pacific Loon*, and a fair assortment of other waterfowl in
small numbers. A *Prairie Falcon* made a ceremonial pass.

Platte Canyon Reservoir (near crossing of Waterton Road over South Platte)
was fun. Here I had a *Common Loon*, a female *Blue-winged Teal*, 11 *Greater
Scaup*, an unexpected *Greater Yellowlegs* that flew in from the north and
circled the lake area, calling, then moved off to the northeast, nice
counts (for a small reservoir) of 117 *Common Goldeneyes* and 62 *Hooded
Mergansers*, and a *Say's Phoebe*.


A *Northern Shrike* was perched at the Audubon Center feeding station area
near the Waterton Canyon trailhead.

Trailmark Lake was about 85% frozen, but the open hole had a throng of
about 1300 ducks frenetically feeding on some aquatic plant (and perhaps
aquatic animals living on the plants). These included about 450 *American
Wigeon*, 400 *Ring-necked Ducks*, 310 *Redheads*, and others including
2 *Greater
Scaup*, and 2 *Nor. Pintail* (my only pintails in the general area over
recent days). I viewed this lake a couple weeks ago, when there was no ice.
There was a moderate number of ducks, but they were mostly loafing or
feeding leisurely. I'd have to assume that same aquatic plant (and
critters?) was there, and even more available. I wonder what changed to
spur the very active foraging I saw today...besides the innate urgency of
an ice hole.

Back home, a *Harris's Sparrow* continues at my Ken Caryl Valley feeding

David Suddjian
Littleton, CO

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