Hi all,
I visited Chico Basin Ranch (fee area) this morning.  I was hoping that the 
female Northern Parula found at the Headquarters area yesterday would still be 
there today, though I couldn't find it.  I also was hoping that the Mountain 
Plover(s) found there last Sunday would still be there, though I couldn't find 
that species either (usually they breed here, so I'm guessing they are around 
still).  I did find 51 species of birds, mostly in Pueblo County at the 
Headquarters area and Rose Pond. 
I did find some birds I hadn't seen yet this spring:
4 Blue-winged Teal at Rose Pond (Pueblo County)
2 Burrowing Owl (El Paso County)
1 Chipping Sparrow at the Headquarters Willows (Pueblo County)
few Great-tailed Grackles at Rose Pond (Pueblo County)
Other things:
Two migrant Ruby-crowned Kinglets, and three Yellow-rumped Warblers (including 
a singing male Audubon's) were at the Headquarters area, and another 
Yellow-rumped Warbler was at Rose Pond.  There was a singing Ruby-crowned 
Kinglet at the Holmes Grove, a.k.a. RMBO banding station (El Paso County), also 
Cedar Waxwings, and many cows wandering around.  There was a Brown-headed 
Cowbird, a flyover Bank Swallow, and a singing Marsh Wren at Rose Pond.  A 
Greater Yellowlegs, several Cinnamon Teal, and a Double-crested Cormorant were 
at the Headquarters Lake, along with many other ducks.  There seems to be a 
pair of Ladder-backed Woodpeckers at the Headquarter Willows, and I got a photo 
of the male.  There were singing single Curve-billed Thrashers at both Rose 
Pond and the Holmes Grove.
Good birding,
Brandon K. Percival
Pueblo West, Colorado


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