Friday 10-16 I visited Chico Basin Ranch (El Paso Co, Pueblo Co), did not 
see anything resembling reported Spraque's Pipits but had some birds of 
interest: A single Bufflehead and flocks of McCown's Longspurs at the lake 
S of headquarters, two Great Horned Owls and a couple of weak-sounding 
Marsh Wrens at the now dried-up headquarters pond, two Loggerhead Shrikes 
and two Mountain Bluebirds along the road. Ravens which shall go 
unidentified. Northern Harriers, Sharp-shinned, Coopers, and 
Red-tailed Hawks (seems like all the Swainson's suddenly vanished). 
Hundreds of White-crowned Sparrows, mostly immature.

The banding station was more active that I'd anticipated, a lone Hermit 
Thrush, Red-naped Sapsucker, a drumming Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Brown 
Creeper, Townsend's Solitaire, lots of Dark-eyed Juncos (Oregon, 
Pink-sided, Slate-colored), Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Orange-crowned Warbler, 
and my highlight bird Cassin's Vireo which had eluded me all year despite 
being seen frequently by others. Wild Turkeys on the road out, fall 
foliage, a day that started with my car heater and ended with air 

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