[cobirds] Chico Today .

2014-09-13 Thread 'John D' via Colorado Birds
CO birders : Most of the migrant activity today at Chico Basin Ranch took place in El Paso County either at Holmes ( aka banding station ) or the Cassita . 6 to 8 Townsends Warbler at the banding station , a Blue-headed Vireo at the Cassita , a first year female type Magnolia Warbler

[cobirds] Chico Today

2014-05-21 Thread 'John D' via Colorado Birds
CO birders : Highlights this morning Male Scarlet Tanager at Rose Pond found by Bill Maynard , and male Black-throated Green Warbler south of HQ willows found by Gary Koehn . Also Northern Waterthrush at HQ and Rose Pond and Least Bittern was heard first thing this morning in the SE

[cobirds] Chico today

2014-05-07 Thread 'John D' via Colorado Birds
CO birders : In addition to Nancy's banding report . Aitken Audubon group enjoyed today : Cassin's Kingbird at the Casita , Plumbeous Vireo , Townsend's , Virginia' s , Wilson's Warblers , Northern Waterthrush , Long-billed Curlew ( overflight ) , Red-breasted Nuthatch , Summer and

[cobirds] Chico today , Sparrows and Buntings .

2014-04-11 Thread John D
CO birders : Some new arrivals today at Chico Basin Ranch ( fee area ) . In El Paso County at banding station 2 Hermit Thrushes , at a cholla grassland location , Northern Mockingbird , 5 Sage Thrashers , Curve-billed Thrasher , 2 Lark Buntings ( imm males ? , photographed ) , Vesper

[cobirds] Chico today

2013-08-17 Thread John D
CO birders : Signs of migration today at Chico Basin Ranch ( fee area ) . Willow Flycatcher and Northern Waterthrush at HQ willows , Great crested Flycatcher in the Russian Olives along Rose Pond , numerous small flocks of Chipping Sparrows , 5 to 10 Sage Thrashers etc . Recent rains

[cobirds] Chico Today

2013-04-30 Thread John D
CO Birders : Aiken Audubon visited Chico Basin Ranch ( fee area ) today and found signs of migrant activity around HQ but not at the banding station. Highlights around HQ were Nashville , Virginia' ,Wilson's and Orange-crowned Warblers , Brown Thrasher and Green-tailed Towee . The

[cobirds] Chico Today , Rusty Blackbirds

2013-03-14 Thread John D
CO Birders : Chico Basin Ranch ( fee area ) hosted a good selection of waterfowl today including 3 Cinnamon Teal at HQ Pond and 3 Rusty Blackbirds at Rose Pond . Loggerhead Shrikes are back and displaying. John Drummond Monument -- You received this message because you are subscribed to

[cobirds] Chico Today

2012-10-08 Thread John D
Cobirders : Nothing outstanding today but these birds of interest : Banding Station Area , El Paso County : Swamp Sparrow 2 , White-throated Sparrow 2 , Cassin's Finch 2 ( female and imm male learning to sing , fine streaking on undertail coverts distinguish from Purple Finch but still

[cobirds] Chico Today

2012-09-10 Thread John D
Cobirders : Here are the highlights for Chico today ( fee area ). Banding Station : Blackpoll Warbler ( singing ). HQ Willows : Yellow-throated Warbler ( found and photographed by Jeannie Mitchell ) , Townsend Warbler , few empids mainly Willow , Red-eyed and Cassin's Vireo , Merlin.

[cobirds] Chico Today

2011-05-03 Thread Jxdrummo
CO birders : Chico Basin Ranch ( fee area ) had just a few migrants today : Blue-gray Gnatcatcher at the Casita and Rose , Gray Flycatcher at the Casita , Orange-crowned Warbler at Holmes , 10 to 15 Myrtle and Audubon Warblers at Homes , Casita and HQ , Hermit Thrush at Holmes ,

[cobirds] Chico today

2010-09-22 Thread Jxdrummo
Cobirders : In addition to Brian Gibbons report , Chico Basin Ranch ( fee area ) gave up an female type American Redstart at the Casita ( El Paso County ) and Townsend Warbler ( HQ ) and juvenile Sabine's Gull ( HQ Pond ) in Pueblo County. The gull may be only the second record for

[cobirds] Chico , today extra

2010-09-15 Thread Jxdrummo
Co birders : In addition to the birds described by Brian Gibbons at Chico today , I would like to add : El Paso County : Field Sparrow ,entrance road to Ranch. Pueblo County : Shorebirds at HQ Pond including juv Short-billed Dowitcher and 2 Pectoral Sandpipers , HY female Magnolia

[cobirds] Chico Today

2010-05-25 Thread Jxdrummo
Cobirders : A small influx of migrants today , highlights being Red-eyed Vireo at both HQ and Holmes , numerous Warbling Vireos , Ovenbird at HQ , Orange-crowned Warbler and Wilson's Warbler at HQ , Swainson's Thrush at Rose , HQ and Holmes , just a few Yellow-rumped , female Indigo

[cobirds] Chico Today :

2010-05-08 Thread Jxdrummo
CO birders : Highlights today were Black-bellied Plover at HQ Pond and Nashville Warbler ( caught and banded ) at Holmes . Otherwise migrants were typical : Wilson's Warblers ,Holmes , HQ and Rose ; Northern Parula , Holmes and Rose ( left overs from Thursday ) , MacGillivray's Warbler

[cobirds] Chico today

2009-05-28 Thread jxdrummo
Cobirders : ??? Migration seems to have ended at Chico . Like the past two days new arrivals have been few and far between. A female Blackpoll at Rose (? first seen by Scott Schaum ) , a female Hooded Warbler at HQ , and a Dusky and Willow Flycatcher around Holmes was about it. ??? On my way