Compiler:             Joyce Takamine
e-mail:                 RBA AT
Date:                    May 25, 2017

This is the Rare Bird Alert for Thursday, May 25 sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species)
NOTE:  The RBA is now using the new AOU checklist and the order of families
has changes.

Mute Swan (*Weld)
Mallard (Mexican) (Weld)
Northern Bobwhite (Kiowa)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (*El Paso, *Logan)
Chimney Swift (El Paso,Kit Carson, Lincoln, Logan, *Sedgwick, Washington,
Weld, Yuma)
Sandhill Crane (Boulder, Logan)
Snowy Plover (Crowley, Kiowa, Larimer, Weld)
Semipalmated Plover (Crowley, El Paso, Kiowa, Weld)
Mountain Plover (Weld)
Upland Sandpiper (Logan)
Whimbel (Jefferson, Weld)
Long-billed Curlew (Denver, Weld)
Stilt Sandpiper (El Paso, Kiowa, Logan, Morgan, Weld)
Sanderling (Boulder, Douglas, Jefferson, Kiowa, Kit Carson, Larimer, Logan,
White-rumped Sandpiper (El Paso, Kiowa, Weld)
Pectoral Sandpiper (Crowley, Weld)
Semipalmated Sandpiper (Crowley, Kiowa, La Plata, Lincoln, Weld)
Solitary Sandpiper (Pueblo)
Green Heron (Boulder, Arapahoe)
Glossy Ibis (San Juan)
Mississippi Kite (*El Paso, Kiowa, *Pueblo)
Broad-winged Hawk (El Paso, *Jefferson, Prowers, Weld, Yuma)
Laughing Gull (Weld)
Caspian Tern (*Weld)
Red-headed Woodpecker (Bent, Cheyenne, *El Paso, Kiowa, Kit Carson, *Logan,
Pueblo, Sedgwick, Weld, Yuma)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Bent, Weld)
Williamson’s Sapsucker   (Jefferson, Larimer, Pueblo)
ALDER FLYCATCHER (El Paso, Kit Carson)
Least Flycatcher (Bent, *Boulder, Eagle, *Jefferson, Kit Carson, Moffat,
Sedgwick, Weld)
Gray Flycatcher (Boulder, Denver, *El Paso, Jefferson, *Larimer, Weld)
Black Phoebe (Boulder)
Eastern Phoebe (Arapahoe, Boulder, Douglas, *Jefferson, Pueblo)
Great Crested Flycatcher (*Logan)
Cassin’s Kingbird (Arapahoe, El Paso)
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Lincoln, Pueblo, Weld)
White-eyed Vireo (*Alamosa, *Logan)
Yellow-throated Vireo (Adams, Jefferson)
Chihuahuan Raven (Kiowa)
Purple Martin (Kiowa)
Gray-cheeked Thrush (Bent, Weld, Yuma)
Curve-billed Thrasher (*Larimer)
Lapland Longspur (Jackson, Weld)
McCown’s Longspur (Lincoln, Weld)
Ovenbird (Arapahoe, El Paso, Kit Carson, *Logan)
Northern Waterthrush (Chaffee, Cheyenne, El Paso, *Jefferson, Kit Carson,
Larimer, Mineral, Washington)
Golden-winged Warbler (Jefferson)
Black-and-white Warbler (Jefferson, Pueblo)
Nashville Warbler (Arapahoe, Boulder, Kit Carson)
Blackpoll Warbler (El Paso, Kit Carson, Pueblo, Weld)
Hooded Warbler (Bent, Boulder, Douglas,  Jefferson)
Northern Parula (Adams, El Paso, Yuma)
Magnolia Warbler (Bent, Douglas, El Paso, Larimer, Washington, Weld)
Bay-breasted Warbler (El Paso)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (Weld)
Palm Warbler (Arapahoe)
Yellow-throated Warbler (*Pueblo)
Grace’s Warbler (*El Paso)
Black-throated Gray Warbler (Douglas, Jefferson, Mesa)
Canyon Towhee (El Paso)
Sagebrush Sparrow (Morgan)
Summer Tanager (La Plata)
Northern Cardinal (Prowers, Yuma)
Dickcissel (*Logan)
Bobolink (Denver, Jefferson, Pueblo, Rio Blanco)
Baltimore Oriole (El Paso, *Logan, Pueblo, *Sedgwick, Weld, Yuma)

---On May 21 at Metzer Farm Open Space, Matt Hofeditz reported Northern
---On May 22 at Barr Lake SP, Brian Johnson reported Yellow-throated Vireo.

---On May 24 at Alamosa Golf Course, Jahn Rawinski reported White-eyed

---On May 19 at Cherry Creek SP, Nancy Davis reported Ovenbird and
Nashville Warbler.  On May 23 at Cherry Creek SP Cottonwood Creek Wetlands,
Ben Sampson reported Green Heron.
---On May 21 at Cherry Creek Valley Ecological Park, Cynthia Madsen and
David Hill reported Palm Warbler.
---On May 23, David Suddjian and DFO field trip reported Cassin’s Kingbirds
at Richmil Open Space, CR 38 at East  Bijou Creek, CR 42 Wall Road (I-70 to
CR 245), CR 269 (Hwy 36 to CR 14).

---On May 19 at Melody Tempel Grove, David Dowell reported Red-headed
Woodpecker, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Least Flycatcher, Gray-cheeked Thrush,
Hooded Warbler.  On May 21 at Melody Tempel Grove, Duane Nelson reported
Hooded Warbler and Magnolia Warbler.

---On May 19 at Walden Ponds, Chuck Hundertmark and Peter Burke reported 2
Sanderlings (1 basic plumage, 1 alternate plumage).  On May 21 at Walden
Ponds, Blake B reported Black Phoebe on west side of Ricky Weiser wetland.
On May 23 at Walden/Sawhill Ponds, Denise and Mark Vollmar reported Green
Heron and Bewick’s Wren.
---On May 20 in Louisville at N corner of Walnut Open Space, Jack Bushong
reported Nashville Warbler.
---On May 20 at Izak Walton Park, Todd Deininger reported Eastern Phoebe.
---On May 21 at Carolyn Holmgren Preserve Rock Creek Farms, Chuck
Hundertmark reported 4 Sandhill Cranes flying over.
---On May 21 at White Rocks Trail area, Peter Gent reported 4 Sandhill
Cranes flying.
---On May 23 at COMET office, Bryan Guarente reported Gray Flycatcher.
---On May 23 on CU East Campus, Mark Minner-Lee reported f Hooded Warbler.
---On May 24 at Waneka Lake/Greenlee Preserve, Ted Floyd reported Least

---On May 20 on CR 20 between CR L and CR K, Peter Burke reported
Red-headed Woodpecker and Least Flycatcher.
---On May 21 at Kit Carson CR 9, Kara Carragher reported Northern

---On May 21 at Marston Reservoir, Ryan Claar reported Long-billed Curlew.
---On May 23 at TwinLake/Clear Creek Open Space, Mele Avery reported
---On May 23 at Bear Creek Park, Doug Kibbe reported Gray Flycatcher.

---On May 20 at Roxbourgh Open Space, Bea Weaver reported Magnolia
Warbler.  On May 21 at Roxbourgh Open Space, Scott Manwaring reported
CANADA WARBLER and Black-throated Gray Warbler.  On May 23 at Roxborough
Open Space, Bea Weaver reported Hooded Warbler.
---On May 23 at Parker Regional Park/Salibury Equestrian Park, Chris
Gilbert reported Cassin’s Kingbird.

---On May 23 at Gypsum Ponds, JoAnn Riggle reported Least Flycatcher.

---On May 21, Steve Brown banded an ALDER FLYCATCHER and another Northern
Waterthrush at Clear Spring Ranch.  On May 22, Steve Brown Banded 2 ALDER
FLYCATCHES at Clear Spring Ranch.
---On May 20 at Chico Basin, Jeannie Mitchell and John Drummond reported
Blackpoll Warbler.  On May 21 at Chico Basin Ranch, Bob Spencer reported
Red-headed Woodpecker and Canyon Towhee.
---On May 21 at Ramah Reservoir SWA, Robb Hinds reported 2 Semipalmated
Plovers, Stilt Sandpiper, and Red-headed Woodpecker.  On May 22 at Ramah
Reservoir SWA, Kyle Hawley, David Tonnessen, and John Drummond reported 2
Semipalmated Plover, 1 Stilt Sandpiper, 4 White-rumped Sandpipers, and
Red-headed Woodpecker.
---On May 19 across from Hanover fire station, Bill Maynard reported m
Magnolia Warbler.
---On May 20 at Cheyenne Mountain SP, Debbie  Barnes reported 6 Ovenbirds
and singing Grace’s Warbler.  On May 21 at Cheyenne Mountain SP, Tyler
Stuart and Kara Carragher reported Grace’s Warbler.  On May 22 at Cheyenne
Mountain SP, Linda Hodges and several other birders reported Grace’s
Warbler.  On May 23 at Cheyenne Mountain SP, Grace’s Warbler was reported
by David Tonnessen, Caleb and Kyle Hawley.  On May 24 at Cheyenne Mountain
SP, Dale and Joel Adams reported Gray Flycatcher and Grace’s Warbler.
---On May 20 in Aiken Canyon, John Bruder reported Bewick’s Wren.
---On May 21 at Fountain Creek Regional Park, Tyler Stuart reported singing
Bay-breasted Warbler and singing Blackpoll Warbler in Warbler Alley.  The
Bay-breasted was seen by many birders.  On May 21 at Fountain Creek
Regional Park, John Bruder reported Mississippi Kite.  On May 21 at
Fountain Creek Regional Park, David Tonnessen reported Yellow-billed
Cuckoo.  On May 22 at Fountain Creek Regional Park, Linda Hodges and many
other birders reported Yellow-billed Cuckoo.  On May 23 at Fountain Creek
Regional Park, Yellow-billed Cuckoo was reported by Tim Leppek, Caleb and
Kyle Hawley, Richard Bunn, and Chris Brobin.  On May 24 at Fountain Creek
Regional Park, Dale and Joel Adams and David tonnessen reported
Yellow-billed Cuckoo.
---On May 21 on Vine St in Fountain, Kara Carragher reported 3 Mississippi
---On May 23 at Adams Open Space in Fountain, Chris Gilbert reported
Broad-winged Hawk, 2 Mississippi Kites, and Ovenbird.
---On May 24 at Big Johnson, Chris Brobin reported Mississippi Kit and
Red-headed Woodpecker.

--- On May 21 at Chatfield Banding Station, Meredith McBurney banded Least
Flycatcher and Black-and-white Warbler.  On May 24 at Chatfield Banding
Station Meredith McBurney banded Northern Waterthrush.
---On May 19 at Chatfield SP Swim Beach, Phil Lyon reported 2 Sandering.
---On May 19 at Main Reservoir in Lakewood, Glenn Walbek reported Hooded
Warbler; Tom and Debbie Behnfield, Frank Farrell, and Aaron Shipe reported
Whimbrel.  On May 20 at Main Reservoir, Fank Farrel, Dean Shoup, Scott
Somershoe, Yvonne Parrot, Norm Lewis, and Phil Lyon reported Hooded Warbler.
---On May 19 at Arvada Blunn Reservoir, Aaron Shipe reported 3 Sandlering
and SWAINSON’S WARBLER; Art Hudak reported Sanderling.  On May 20 at Blunn
Reservoir, Dean Shoup reported Bobolink.
---On May 20 at Bear Creek SP, Evergreen Audubon, JoAnn Hackos, and Chuck
Aid reported singing Bobolink at top of Cottonwood at Pelican Point parking
---On May 20 at Chatfield SP Swim Beach, Maikel and Susan Wise and Luke
Pheneger reported Yellow-throated Vireo.
---On May 20 at Ketner Reservoir in Westminster, Ray Sperger reported f
Yellow-winged Warbler on the north side of Open space.
---On May 22 at Waterton Canyon from Waterton Road to overhead pipes, David
Suddjian reported Gray Flaycatcher, Yellow-throated Vireo, and
Black-throated Gray Warbler.
---On May 22 at S Deer Creek Canyon Rd, 2.2 m from Deer Creek Road, David
Suddjian reported Williamson’s Sapsucker.
---On May 22 at Belmar Park, Kim Mauritz reported Gray Flycatcher.
---On May 23 at St Anthony Hospital McIntyre Gulch, Scott Somershoe
reported Gray Flycatcher.
---On May 24 at Chatfield SP, upstream of Kingfisher Bridge, David Suddjian
his DFO field trip reported 2 Broad-winged Hakws, 13 Least Flycatchers, and
2 Eastern Phoebe.

---On May 18 at Neenoshe Reseervoir, Jacob Drucker reported  2 Northern
Bobwhites, Black-bellied Plover, 12 Snowy Plover, 11 Stilt Sandpipers, 12
White-rumped Sandpipers, 6 Semipalmated Sandpipers, Red-headed Woodpecker,
2 Purple Martins and Chihuahuan Raven. The Purple Martins are a new county
bird for Kiowa.  On May 20 at Neenoshe Reservoir, Jacob Drucker reported
Black-bellied Plover, 6 Snowy Plovers, 300 Stilt Sandpipers, 6 Sanderling,
6 White-rumped Sandpipers, 4 Semipalmated Sandpipers, and 4 Red-headed
---On May 21 in Eads, Jacob Drucker reported Mississippi Kite.

--- On May 19 at Flagler Reservoir SWA, Dean Shoup reported f EASTERN
TOWHEE.  On May 20 at Flagler Reservoir SWA, Kara Carragher reported imm
Broad-winged Hawk, Red-headed Woodpecker, and Nashville Warbler.  On May 21
at Flagler Reservoir SWA, Kara Carragher reported 4 Red-headed Woodpeckers,
2 ALDER FLYCATCHERS, Least Flycatcher, Ovenbird, 8 Northern Waterthrush,
Nashville Warbler, Blackpoll Warbler.
---On May 23 at Burlington Water Treatment Plant, Eric Hough reported
Sanderling and 60 Chimney Swifts.

---On May 19 at Cobb Lake, CR 56 in Wellington, Austin Hess, David Wade,
and Nick Komar reported Snowy Plover and Sandlering.  On May 20 at Cobb
Lake, Nick Komar, David Wade and Walter Wehtje reported Snowy Plover.
---On May 20 on Blue Spruce Dr, Bellvue, Keven Joblonski reported
Curve-billed Thrasher.  On May 21 on Blue Spruce Drive in Bellvue, Keven
Joblonski and Sean Walters reported Cuve-billed Thrasher.  On May 24 at
Lory SP vied from along Lodgepole Dr, Nick Komar reported Curve-billed
Thrasher.  Lory SP is
close to Blue Spruce Drive.
---On May 21 at Estes Park, John Oliver reported Magnolia Warbler along
Riverwalk behind Kind Coffee.
---On May 21 at Salyer, McMurry and Magpie Meander Natural Areas, Nick
Komar reported Gray Flycatcher.
---On May 21 at Lee Martinez Park, Robert Beauchamp, Nick Komar, David Wade
and Austin Hess reported Magnolia Warbler.
---On May 22 on Spring Creek Trail just east of Spring Canyon Park, Brad
Biggerstaff reported Northern Waterthrush.
---On May 24 at North Shields Pond Natural Area, Tim Priehs and Doug Swartz
reported Gray Flycatcher.

---On May 20 in Genoa, Kara Carragher reported Semipalmated Sandpiper,
Chimney Swift, and McCown’s Longspur.
---On May 21 on CR 3 between CR K and CR M, Kara Carragher reported f
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher.

---On May 20 on CR 93 N of Hwy 138, Judith Henderson reported Sandhill
---On May 21 on CR 85 N of US 139, Bill Kaempfer reported Upland Sandpiper.
---On May 21 on CR 310 Pond, Dean Shoup reported Stilt Sandpiper.
---On May 23 at Jumbo Reservoir, Cole Wolf reported 3 Sanderling, Chimney
Swift, and Ovenbird.  On May 24 at Jumbo Reservoir, Gwen Moore and Sue
Riffe reported Red-headed Woodpecker and 2 Baltimore Orioles.
---On May 24 at Tamarack Ranch SWA, Gwen Moore and Sue Riffe reported
Yellow-billed Cuckoo, 3 Great Crested Flycatchers, White-eyed Vireo,
Baltimore Oriole and 3 Dickcissel.

---On May 23 at Creed sewage ponds, Roger Linfield reported Northern

---On May 21 at Loudy Simpson Nature Trail, Jan Leonard reported Least

---On May 21 on CR II between  CR 32 and CR 34, Gwen Moore reported Stilt
Sandpiper and Sagebrush Sparrow.

---On May 20 at Lamar Community College, Janeal Thompson reported juv
Broad-winged Hawk and 3 Northern Cardinals.

---On May 19 at Mineral Palace Park, Van Truan, Dale and Joel Adams
reported Yellow-throated Warbler.  On May 22, Van Truan and Brandon
Percival reported Yellow-throated Warbler at Mineral Palace Park.  On May
24 at Mineral Palace Park, Jan Allbriht, Richard Bunn and Bill Maynard
reported Yellow-throated Warbler and nesting Mississippi Kites; Jeff Dawson
reported Yellow-throated Warbler.
---On May 19 at Chico Basin Ranch, Rob Hinds reported Bobolink; Joel Adams
reported Solitary Sandpiper, Red-headed Woodpecker, Blackpoll Warbler and f
Baltimore Oriole.  On May 18 in Chico Basin alfalfa fields, Rob Hinds and
several other birders reported Bobolink.  On May 20 at Chico Basin south of
Rose Pond, Renee
Casias reported Scissor-tailed Flycatcher and 2 Eastern Phoebe.  Many
birders got to see the Scissor-tail.
On May 20 Jeannie Mitchell and John Drummond reported 3 Red-headed
Woodpekcers and Bobolinks at Chico Basin Ranch. On May 21 at Chico Basin
Ranch, Brandon Percival and Bob Spencer reported Scissor-tailed Flycatcher.
---On May 19, at Osprey Picnic Area in Rock Canyon below Pueblo Reservoir
dam, Brandon Percival reported singing m Black-and-white Warbler.

---On May 22 at Silverton sewage ponds, Roger Linfield reported Glossy Ibis.

---On May 23 at Sand Draw SWA, Cole Wolf reported 2 Red-headed Woodpeckers
and Least Flycatcher.
---On May 24 in town of Ovid, Sue Riffe and Gwen Moore reported 6 Chimney
---On May 24 at DePoorter Lake, Gwen Moore and Sue Riffe repored 2 Chimney
Swifts and Baltimore Oriole.

--- On May 19 at Akron Golf Course, Dean Shoup reported 2 Northern
---On May 20 at Last Chance Rest Area, Glenn Walbek reported Magnolia
Warbler.  On May 21 at Last Chance, Dean Shoup et al reported 3 Chimney
Swift and Magnolia Warbler.

--- On May 23 at Stewart’s Pond, Steve Mlodinow reported Mute Swan, 2
White-rumped Sandpipers, Pectoral Sandpiper, and Semipalmated Sandpiper.
On May 24 at Steart’s Pond, Norm Lewis reported Mute Swan.
---On May 20 at Crow Valley CG, Nick Moore reported 4 Least Flycatchers,
Chestnut-sided Warbler and Blackpoll Warbler; Thomas Holub reported
Magnolia Warbler; Jason Gregg reported Magnolia and Chestnut-sided Warbler;
and Judith Henderson reported 2 Least Flycatchers and Gray-cheeked Thrush.
On May 21 at Crow Valley CG, Art Hudak and Mark Chavez reported Red-headed
Woodpecker, 2 Least Flycatchers, Chestnut-sided Warbler, and Blackpoll
Warbler; and Gwen Moore reported Gray Flycatcher.  On May 21 at Crow Valley
CG, Dean Shoup et al reported 2 Red-headed Woodpeckers, 2 Least
Flycatchers, Gray-cheeked Thrush, and Blackpoll Warbler.  On May 22 at Crow
Valley CG, Frank Farrel and Bill Eley reported Gray Flycatcher and
Chestnut-sided Warbler.
--- On May 19 at Union Reservoir, Steve Mlodinow and several other birders
reported Snowy Plover, Long-billed Curlew, Whimbrel, 51 Sanderlings, 4
Stilt Sandpipers, 3 White-rumped Sandpipers, Semipalmated Sandpiper, and
1st year male Baltimore Oriole.  On May 20 at Union Reservoir, Steve
Mlodinow reported Long-billed Curlew, 2 Stilt Sandpipers, 81 Sanderling, 2
White-rumped Sandpipers, and Semipalmated Sandpiper; Rebecca Groeser
reported Caspian Tern, 3 Stilt Sandpipers, and 34 Sanderling.  On May 21 at
Union Reservoir, Susan Rosine reported Snowy Plover and 2 Caspian Terns.
On May 22 at Union Reservoir north shore, Thomas Heinrich and Todd
Deininger reported 2 Snowy Plovers, 7 Sanderlings, and 2 Caspian Terns.  On
May 23 at Union Reservoir, Sue Riffe reported 2 White-rumped Sandpipers and
2 Caspian Terns; Randy Siebert reported Semipalmated Sandpiper, 2
Sandering, Semipalmated Sandpiper, and 2 Caspian Terns; Steve Mlodinow
reported Snowy Plover, 43 Sandlering, 2 Caspian Terns, and Baltimore
Oriole.  On May 24 at Union Reservoir, Jared Kidder reported Caspian Tern.
---On May 20 at Firestone Gravel Pit (view from road), Steve Mlodinow
reported 2 Caspian Terns.
---On May 20 at Lone Tree Creek, CR 110, Gary Lefko reported Mountain
---On May 20 in downtown Greeley, Gark Lefko reported Chimney Swifts.
---On May 21 at CR 94 and CR 63, Norma Erickson reported Scissor-tailed
---On May 23 at Pawnee NG Murphis Pasture area and auto tour stops 2 and 3,
JoAnn Hackos reported 2 McCown’s Longspurs.

---On May 22 at Stalker Pond, Steve Mlodinow reported Broad-winged Hawk, 20
Chimney Swifts, 4 Northern Cardinals, and 5
Baltimore Orioles.
---On May 22 at windbreak at CR 51/US 385, Steve Mlodinow reported 3
Red-headed Woodpeckers, Gray-cheeked Thrush, Northern Parula and Baltimore

Denver Field Ornithologists Field Trips:

The DFO Field Trip for Friday, May 26 will be to Deer Creek Canyon will be
led by David Suddjian (dsuddjian AT; 831-713-8659)

The DFO Field Trip for Friday, May 26 from Sedalia to Cheesman for
Woodpeckers led by Paul Slingsby.
This trip is full.

The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, May 27 to Meyer Ranch Park led by Karen
Dfrozda.  This trip is full.

The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, May 27 to Meyers Homestead Trail, Walk
Ranch led by Paul Hansley (plhansley AT; 720-890-2628)

The DFO Field Trip for Sunday, May 28 will be to Beaver Brooke Trail led by
Paul Slingsby (paslingsby AT; 303-422-3728)

The DFO Field Trip for Sunday, May 28 will be to Marjorie Perry Nature
Reserve led by Pratyaydipta Rudra and Sreemala Das Majumder (pratyayr AT; 919-699-4043)

The DFO Field Trip for Sunday, May 28 will be to
Pinecliffe/Rollinsville/Moffat Tunnel East Portal led by Gregg Goodrich
(GreggGoodrich AT; 303-655-9135)

The DFO Field Trip for Monday, May 29 will be to Barr Lake SP led by Chuck
Hundertmark (chundertmark8 AT; 303-604-0531)

For more information on the field trips go to

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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