Some COBirders reminded me that I should not use the bander's four letter codes 
as they are not fluent with them
so I am sending corrected list 

I am so sorry - I meant to type out the full names - plus I made a typo :(

OSWA should be OCWA = Orange-crowned Warbler

BCCH  2  = Black-capped Chickadee   +1  Recap from 7/16/2008
BLJA    1 = Blue Jay
COYE    2 = Common Yellow-throat
MAGW  1  = MaGillivray's Warbler
NOWA    1 = Northern Waterthrush
OSWA    2 (typo) = OCWA  = Orange-crowned Warbler
SOSP    1 = Song Sparrow
SPTO    1 = Spotted Towhee
WIWA    4 - Wilson's Warbler
YBCH      0  +  one recaptured Yellow-breasted Chat from 7/16/2008

David Elwonger, who roosts at 8400' near Woodland Park Colorado

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