[cobirds] Lake County migration

2010-05-15 Thread Tim Kalbach
Friday afternoon, 2-3:30 pm, before the blizzard started, I birded *Crystal Lakes* just south of Leadville, with highlights being *American Bittern, Marsh Wren,Yellow-headed Blackbird, Com. Yellowthroat*. (complete list below) and *Twin Lakes* at the southern edge of the county had Peregrine Falcon

[cobirds] Lake County migration

2010-05-08 Thread Tim Kalbach
An exceptional 88 species day in the mountains (Lake County only) included Solitary Sandpiper (new for county); Clay-colored Sparrow (2nd county record), 3 Marsh Wrens, N. Rough-winged & Bank Swallows (very uncommon up here); 2 Snowy Egrets; 2 Wood Ducks; Say's Phoebe, first of season Orange-crowne

[cobirds] Lake County migration

2010-04-11 Thread Tim Kalbach
Location: Lake County, CO, US Observation date: 4/11/10 Notes: First county record of *Spotted Towhee*, multiple birds at multiple locations. Number of species: 45 Canada Goose - Branta canadensis 33 Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos 28 Green-winged Teal - Anas crecca 10 Red

[cobirds] Lake County migration

2009-08-24 Thread Tim Kalbach
Two firsts for Lake County this weekend: *Clay-colored Sparrow* (Crystal Lakes just south of Leadville) and *Black Tern,* first spotted nighthawking insects over the Shell gas station at the north end of Leadville. Other species moving through: Snowy Egret, N. Harrier, Loggerhead Shrike, N. Rough