
There was an immature / female Long-tailed Duck today on South Lake Hasty. This bird is rare, but regular, in Bent County in the late fall and winter.

More interesting to me were the shorebirds still present. Today, there were six Least Sandpipers inconspicuously inserted among the large number of Killdeer in the stilling basin beneath John Martin Dam. Today, I counted 28, but there may be more. Greater Yellowlegs are still present, with five counted today on islets in Lake Hasty. They move around a lot, and can almost always be encountered along the Arkansas River or ponds where water is not yet frozen. While Killdeer and Greater Yellowlegs are almost always encountered on John Martin Reservoir CBCs, Least Sandpiper would be new to the count.

Duane Nelson

Las Animas, Bent County, CO

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