I'd caught up with redpolls on more than one occasion this winter, but they
were always found by somebody else.  I got four of my own today on the walk
home from the bus stop, where the Twin Lake Trail meets Robinson Place.
They took off to the north.  Hope they stay in the neighborhood.

Nathan Pieplow

Twin Lakes Trail at Robinson Place, Boulder, US-CO
Jan 14, 2013 2:10 PM - 2:22 PM
Protocol: Stationary
Comments:     brief diversion on my walk home from the bus stop
7 species

Northern Flicker  2
Blue Jay  1
Black-capped Chickadee  5
White-breasted Nuthatch  1     Rocky Mountain race
Dark-eyed Junco  12     1 White-winged, at least 4 Pink-sided, at least 2
Oregon, at least 1 Gray-headed; no Slate-coloreds that I could see
House Finch  2
Common Redpoll  4     1 seen and heard well (Pine Siskin-like finch with
typical redpoll "chew-chew" flight call); other 3 flew off with the first,
sounded same; presumed Commons also

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