Greetings -

Yesterday (Friday) morning I ventured up to the Platte River in Adams
County for a brief walk before heading to work.  I parked at 78th
Ave/Steele Street and headed north to the now-famous turquoise and
white tank where I along with another birder relocated the four
Barrow's Goldeneyes (3 males, 1 female).  I walked all the way down to
I-76, but was unable to locate the Rusty Blackbirds that had been in
the area previously.  The other birds seen were all of the expected
variety (lots of ducks).

Today (Saturday), Jeff and I revisited the Platte; parking just north
of I-270.  First we headed south where we quickly found the eight
Rusty Blackbirds between I-270 and the outflow from the "effluent
plant".  They were quite cooperative and flew into a nearby tree where
we could see both the light colored eyes and the extensive oxidation
which contributes to their name.

We then wandered north to 78th Avenue.  The river was packed with the
more common waterfowl.  Of note was at least one Greater Scaup who
spent some time with a couple of his "lesser" cousins allowing for
good comparisons of size and structure, a couple of Ruddy Ducks, five
Double-crested Cormorants, a couple of Killdeer.  At least one adult
and one juvenal Bald Eagle as well as a Rough-legged Hawk cruised by.

A beautiful January day to be out and about.

Good birding,

Kathy Mihm Dunning

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