This morning, I woke up early and headed over to Crow Valley Campground.  
When I got there I was greeted with a sign that said, " Road Closed.  No 
Camping or Walk-ins".  My mood changed when I read a post from John Shenot that 
he found a Golden-winged Warbler in Butterfly Woods.  I thought my chances were 
slim since almost two hours had passed since the sighting.  As I got out of the 
car, I ran into John who gave me directions to the area. Thanks to John for 
finding this great bird!  It didn't take long before hearing the bird's 
secondary call over the roaring river. A few minutes later I got great looks at 
this beautiful bird!  Before leaving, we(Loch Kilpatrick and Glen Walbek) were 
able to locate the female Black-throated Gray Warbler and a Northern 
Waterthrush. Before the downpour I tried my luck at Lee Martinez Park.  I only 
got 10 minutes before the downpour but got 2 Broad-winged Hawks in the woods 
and 2 flyover Sandhill Cranes. Photos of the Golden-winged and Black-throated 
Gray can be seen below:
   Before going home I decided to bird a sunny Welchester Tree Park. The park 
was extremely birdy with the highlight being a Blue-headed Vireo.  Migrants 
seen were:
     10 Western Tanagers
       1 Western Wood Peewe
       3 Dusky Flycatchers
       2 Least Flycatchers
       1 Blue-headed Vireo
       3 Plumbeous Vireo
       2 Warbling Vireo
       1 Macgillvray's Warbler
       1 Blue-winged Warbler
       3 Wilson's Warbler
       1 Orange-crowned Warbler
       1 Audubon's warbler
       5 Yellow Warbler
       1 Black-headed Grosbeak
       2 Clay-colored Sparrow
       2 Lazuli Bunting

Mark ChavezLakewood-Green Mtn

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