We got our wish for more birds for Barr's Annual Fall Bird Fest.  At least
150 people visited our station today, and we had 50 birds to show them - 34
banded today, 1 banded in 2010, and 15 banded previously this season.


Spent some time with Sibley's being sure we had a correct ID on a rare bird
- an immature MAGNOLIA WARBLER.


In my head I've been comparing this year with last, which I viewed as a
fairly typical Barr season in terms of numbers and species.  I have been
thinking that Yellows are high and Wilson's low.  Decided to compare our 4
dominant species this year to last, to date, and it is pretty interesting:


Chipping Sparrow        80 (2011), 24 (2010)

House Wren                 49 (2011), 82 (2010)

Wilson's Warbler         116 (2011), 310 (2010)

Yellow Warbler            183 (2011), 49 (2010)

Total, 4 species          428 (2011), 465 (2010)


Someday I'll go back and see if any time in recent history we've caught 183
Yellows.  (Our total last year was 51.)  And, where are the Wilson's??


Okay, back to today...Here's the rundown on the new birds caught (total 35):


Western Wood-pewee 1

Cassin's Vireo              1

Black-capped Chickadee         1

Rock Wren                  1 (FOS)

House Wren                 5 new, 1 return from 2010

Orange-crowned Warbler         1

Yellow Warbler            4

Magnolia Warbler         1

Wilson's Warbler         3

Chipping Sparrow        16


Day off next week is Tues (9/13).  Otherwise open every day through next


Meredith McBurney

Bander, Barr Lake Station, Adams County

Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory

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