Compiler:  Joyce Takamine
Date:    May 19, 2009
phone:  303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Tuesday, May 19, 2009 at
5 am sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird

Highlight species include (*Denotes that there is new information for
this species in this report.

Green Heron (Douglas, El Paso, Fremont, Larimer)
Broad-winged Hawk (Larimer)
Snowy Plover (Otero)
Piping Plover (Bent)
Caspian Tern (*Weld)
Least Tern (Bent)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (*Yuma)
Eastern Phoebe (Boulder, Fremont)
White-eyed Vireo (El Paso, El Paso/Pueblo)
Yellow-throated Vireo (El Paso)
Winter Wren (Larimer)
Purple Martin (Prowers)
GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH (Broomfield, Washington)
Tennessee Warbler (El Paso/Pueblo, *Kit Carson, Prowers, Weld)
Nashville Warbler (El Paso/ Pueblo, Prowers)
LUCY'S WARBLER (Montezuma)
Northern Parula (El Paso/Pueblo, Prowers)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (Boulder, El Paso/Pueblo)
Magnolia Warbler (Boulder, Broomfield, *El Paso/Pueblo)
Palm Warbler (*Washington)
Blackpoll Warbler (El Paso/Pueblo, Jefferson, *Kit Carson, Larimer,
Washington, *Yuma)
Black-and-white Warbler (El Paso, El Paso/Pueblo, Teller, Weld)
Worm-eating Warbler (Larimer)
Ovenbird (*El Paso/Pueblo, *Kit Carson, Weld)
Northern Waterthrush (Arapahoe, El Paso, *El Paso/Pueblo, *Kit Carson,
Morgan, Washington)
Hooded Warbler (Douglas)
Summer Tanager (El Paso/Pueblo, Montezuma, Prowers)
White-throated Sparrow (El Paso/Pueblo, Larimer)
Northern Cardinal (Douglas, *Yuma)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Arapahoe, El Paso, *El Paso/Pueblo,
Jefferson, Larimer, Otero)
Indigo Bunting (Montezuma, Otero)

To skip this recording to leave a message, press the star key at any time.
Please leave your name, phone number, detailed directions including the
county, and dates for all sightings.  It would be helpful if you would spell
your last name.

Arapahoe County:
--A Northern Waterthrush was reported by Kilpatrick at Cherry Creek SP by a
small pond NE of the swim beach on May 16.
--A Rose-breasted Grosbeak was reported by Kennedy at Cherry Creek SP at 12
mile Beaver Pond on May 17.

Bent County:
--At John Martin Reservoir, Drummond reported that Duane Nelson showed a
group a Piping Plover and Least Tern on May 16.

Boulder County:
--A male Magnolia Warbler was reported by Floyd at Bear Creek south of
Baseline and 36th Street in Boulder on May 15.  This area is near St
Andrew's Church.  Waltman reported a Magnolia Warbler at St Andrew's on
May 16.
--An Eastern Phoebe was reported by Szeliga near Flagstaff Road near the
stone bridge on May 16.
--A Magnolia Warbler was reported by Waltman at Sale Lake on May 16.
--A Chestnut-sided Warbler was reported by Tumasonis on the Flagstaff
Mountain Trail near Gregory Canyon on May 17.

Broomfield County:
--A singing male Magnolia Warbler was reported by Zorawowicz at Plaster
Reservoir in Willows at the outflow on the east side of the reservoir on May
--A GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH was reported by Smart at the Broomfield Nature Area
in trees parallel to Zuni on May 17.

Douglas County:
--A singing male Hooded Warbler was reported by Shade at Chatfield SP.
Park at the small lot outside the east entrance on May 16.  Walk downstream
along the Highline Canal past Mile Marker 7.  Look in Cottonwood trees.
--A Green Heron and Northern Cardinal were reported by Halverstadt in
Louviers on May 17.

El Paso County:
--At Sondermann Park in Colorado Springs
----On May 16, Lewantowicz reported f Hooded Warbler and m Black-and-White
----On May 16, Hinds reported White-eyed Vireo and Black-and-white Warbler.
--At Fountain Creek Regional Park on May 15, Ruano reported a
Yellow-throated Vireo and Percival reported Northern Waterthrush, Green
Heron, and male Rose-breasted Grosbeak.
--At Fountain Creek Regional Park on May 16, Hinds reported Yellow-throated

El Paso/Pueblo Counties:
--At Chico Basin Ranch (fee):
----On May 16, Brown reported that 1 Chestnut-sided Warbler and 4 Ovenbirds
were banded.  Seen around banding station were m Tennessee Warbler, m
Magnolia Warbler, f Northern Parula and around headquarters Black-and-white
Warbler, Blackpoll Warbler, Northern Waterthrush, and Summer Tanager.
----On May 17, Linfield reported a Nashville Warbler at Rose Pond.
----On May 17, Tina Jones reported a Northern Parula at Rose Pond.
----On May 17, Gibbons found a White-eyed Vireo near the Banding Station.
----On May 17, Percival reported at headquarters Tennessee Warblers and
Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and at the Banding Station Tennessee Warblers,
Chestnut-sided Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, Ovenbird and Rose-breasted
----On May 18, Gibbons banded f Rose-breasted Grosbeak and recaptured
Ovenbird and Northern Waterthrush.
----On May 18, Brown reported m Magnolia Warbler was still being seen around
the Banding Station.

Fremont County:
--2 Green Herons and 3 Eastern Phoebes were reported by Moss on the Canon
City Riverwalk on May 16.

Jackson County:
--2 RED PHALAROPES were reported by Komar at Walden Reservoir on May 16.

Jefferson County:
--A m Rose-breasted Grosbeak was reported by Henwood at Bear Creek Lake Park
on May 17.
--A f Blackpoll Warbler was reported by Campbell at the lower entrance of
White Ranch on May 17.

Kit Carson:
--At Flagler SWA on May 16, Kaempfer reported Ovenbird and Blackpoll
--A Crystal Springs Ranch (fee) on May 15, Kaempfer reported Tennessee
Warbler and 4 Northern Waterthrush.  Crystal Springs is adjacent to Flager
SWA.  To visit Crystal Springs Ranch contact Linda at the Flagler
Conservation District at 719-765-4676 at least 48 hours in advance.

Larimer County:
--A Blackpoll Warbler was reported by Lefko at Lee Martinez Park on May 16.
--A White-throated Sparrow was reported by Rashid at Matthews Reiser Bird
Sanctuary at Lake Estes on May 15.
--Rashid reported a Worm-eating Warbler at Matthews Reiser Bird Sanctuary at
Lake Estes on May 16.
--A Blackpoll Warbler and Green Heron were reported by Sparks SW of the
intersection of the Poudre Bike Trail with N College on May 16.
--3 Rose-breasted Grosbeaks (2m, 1f) were reported by Webb at Lee Martinez
Park in Fort Collins on May 17.
--A Broad-winged Hawk was reported by Wild in Poudre Canyon on May 16.

Montezuma County:
--Garrison reported that a male Indigo Bunting was being chased by a female
Lazuli in Dolores Canyon about 8.5 miles up from the Bradfield bridge on May
--An Indigo bunting was reported by Beatty on the road to McPhee Dam on the
Dolores River on May 17.
--2-3 LUCY'S WARBLERS and a 1st year Summer Tanager were reported by Dexter
in Yellow-jacket Canyon on May 17.

Morgan County:
--A Northern Waterthrush was reported by Hansley on CR 2 halfway between CR
AA and CR X on May 16.

Otero County:
--At Bent's Old Fort on May 16, Drummond reported f Rose-breasted Grosbeak
and Indigo Bunting.
--Snowy Plovers were reported by Drummond at Lake Cheraw on May 16.

Prowers County:
--At Lamar Community College woods:
----On May 16, Peterson reported a m Tennessee Warbler.
--A Summer Tanager, m Northern Parula, f Purple Martin were reported by
Leatherman at Fairmount Cemetery in Lamar on May 16.
--A f Nashville Warbler was reported by Leatherman at Riverside Cemetery in
Lamar on May 16.

Teller County:
--A Black-and-white Warbler was reported by Pals at Manitou Lake Rec Area
north of Woodland Park on May 16.

Washington County:
--2 Northern Waterthrush and 1 GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH were reported by
Leatherman at Last Chance on May 16.
--1 Western Palm warbler, 1 m Blackpoll Warbler and 1 Northern Waterthrush
were reported by Floyd at
Last Chance on May 17.

Weld County:
--3 GLOSSY IBIS were reported by Hansley on the east side of CR 45 between
CR 44 and CR 46 on May 16.
--At Crow Valley on May 16, Chavez reported m Tennessee Warbler,
Black-and-white Warbler, and m Rose-breasted Grosbeak.
--A Caspian Tern was reported by Kaempfer at St. Vrain State Park on May 18.

Yuma County:
--On the DFO field trip to Bonny Reservoir on May 16 & 17, Righter reported
Red-bellied Woodpecker, Northern Cardinals, and 2 Blackpoll Warblers.

The field trip for Saturday, May 23 to Monday, May 25 will be to Nebraska's
Crescent Lake Refuge led by Chris Owens (303-772-6048).  Meet the leader at
0800 Saturday at Jim Hamm Park.  Call leader for motel suggestions and
carpooling arrange.  Will need to bring 3 lunches and 2 breakfasts and plan
to eat 2 dinners at restaurants.

The field trip for Saturday, May 23 will be to Audubon Center led by Doris
Cruze (303-798-8072).  Meet the leader at 0800 at the Audubon Center.  Tak
C470 to Wadsworth.  Take Wadsworth south for 4.4 miles and turn onto
Waterton Road.  It will be the first left.  This will be a half day trip so
bring water and snacks, lunch optional.  Wheelchair accessible trail.  Will
end by noon.

The field trip for Sunday, May 24 will be to Rigli Ranch led by Joe Rigli
(970-768-7121).  Meet the leader at ranch by 0830.  From Hudson, go east on
CO 52 until it turns north.  Don't turn, but continue east on Morgan CR F to
CR 14.  Turn north of approximately one mile to first house on left by
boxcars.  Bring lunch and extra water.

The Field trip of Monday, May 25 will be to 88th and South Plate Trail led
by Jackie King (303-287-1644).  Meet the leader at 0730 at the parkign area
at 3. 99th and South Platte River.  From I-76, take E 88th Ave exist, go
west on 88th for 1.6 miles then turn south at Colorado BLvd.  Turn left into
parking lot for Greenway Trailhead.  Bring lunch and drinking water.

Thank you and good birding,
Joyce Takamine

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