I watched three beautiful adult Red-tailed Hawks sparring in flight over
lower White Ranch OS in Jeffco late this morning.  One was considerably
smaller than the other two, so I assumed it was a male.  The smaller one was
locking talons with one of the females and freefalling before pulling up and
separating.  Then all three would fly at each other.  Finally, the supposed
male locked talons with one of the females and they fell out of sight below
the crest of a hill in my line of vision.  I watched the remaining RTHA
circle and finally drift away.  The other two never reappeared.  I hope they
managed to unlock those talons before hitting the ground.



Kayleen A. Niyo, Ph.D.
Niyo Scientific Communications
Kay Niyo Photography
 <mailto:k...@kayniyo.com> k...@kayniyo.com

 <http://www.KayNiyo.com> www.KayNiyo.com
5651 Garnet Street
Golden, CO 80403
Phone: (303) 679-6646
Fax: (866) 849-8013 


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