Larry Modesitt and I enjoyed a cooperative singing male Blackpoll Warbler
and a singing male American Redstart with the first 50 - 100 yards of the
that goes north from the Prairie Loop observation deck at Cherry Creek
in Arapahoe County. We were hoping that those were harbingers of other
warblers, but alas, we saw no more.
That lake has been so full of grebes, gulls, shorebirds,
etc, etc, that it is a surprise to see few birds on the water now. The great
mudflats at the Prairie Loop that brought us some good shorebirds drowned
as the lake rose. I did not check out the situation on Cottonwood
Creek, south of the paved road, so if anyone finds mudflats and shorebirds
please post me privately or to Cobirds. thanks

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