For the past 15 minutes I’ve been watching either two adults and a
fledgling or an adult and two fledgling Black Phoebes (and maybe 2 adults
too) across Carr Street from the east end of the pond. I’d seen the pond
bird catching a few flies near 4 pm and the immediately flying east across
the road to a pine tree behind a cottonwood next to a red-roofed garage
directly across Carr.

There I found two perched phoebes,  one with and the other without the
white breast,  but they were obviously together (and no, it was not one of
the several Say’s Phoebes also at the park). The parent(s) would come and
I’m assuming 2 young and 1-2 adults. I’ll check the photos later when I
file my list.

Good birding!

Patrick O’Driscoll

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