This evening I found a first year female Vermilion Flycatcher on private
property in the Canon City area.  I first Fremont County Vermilion, which I
also found, was also a first year female.  When I first spotted the bird it
was pumping it's tail phoebe-like--that and it's light coloration were
indicators of it's identification.  I was able to get some photos at about
90 feet but it was 6:30 pm so the light wasn't great.  I uploaded them
to myBirdsAndNature<>blog.  When I
tried to get 20 feet closer, this very shy bird flew further
away and I was subsequently unable to refind it.  I will look again tomorrow
but the first Vermilion I found here was only stayed for another day or two.

While I was trying to photograph the Vermilion I saw first a very large
flock of 200-300 Plegadis ibis fly from the Canon City area towards
Florence, then several more smaller flocks of these ibis for a total of
around 400-500 birds--though the Vermilion was a fun rarity, the ibis
overflights were pretty awesome and distracting.  Other interesting birds
around the area but it's late and I have to get up early tomorrow so will
report later.

SeEtta Moss
Canon City

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