Hi all


An update from the Roaring Fork Valley as the 'Pineapple Express' knocks on
the door. It's mid 40's F here this morning - a massive change from the
usual single digits (or negative single digits) that we have been waking up
to all month. Rain later today, then three days off/on snow. We'll see.



Garfield Cty: The White-throated Sparrow is here again today in our
backyard. A Raccoon is out and about - last night it pried open the feed
bin.. Still plenty of Dark-eyed Juncos - of all four expected forms.. no
White-wingeds here!

Eagle Cty: Lewis's Woodpeckers continue to use the poles on the hill behind
the house this morning - present throughout the day most days it seems



Garfield Cty: A single female Cassin's Finch visited briefly, FOY. In recent
winters they have been very scarce here-about until spring migration



Pitkin Cty: About 100 Rosy-Finches at Snowmass Ski-area at my Sam's Knob
free bird talk.. all three species (one Black), many Gray-crowned, including
Hepburns and many Brown-capped

Also 4 Pine Grosbeaks, several Mountain and a single Black-capped Chickadee,
Steller's Jays, Red-breasted Nuthatch

Higher up we then went in search of White-tailed Ptarmigan - but without
success. We'll try again next Thursday. My wife Denise has seen them twice
recently whilst teaching skiing, and the ski-patrol are seeing them
regularly too.



Was thrilled to host Dave Leatherman for a few hours birding and then to
hear his talk "What birds eat" at the jointly hosted Roaring Fork Audubon
evening in Carbondale

Pitkin County: In Snowmass we saw plenty of Rosy-Finches (alas no Black),
Evening Grosbeaks, mountain form Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers

Eagle County: Frying Pan river (Basalt to Ruedi) 1 Barrow's Goldeneye male,
1 Common Goldeneye female, several American Dippers,  several Bald Eagles.
We missed spotting 5 Bighorn Sheep that were close to town. Lewis's
Woodpecker 1 along the Frying Pan, and another on the power poles behind our
house. Prairie Falcon immature female frequenting the same poles.


Good birding all 

Drive safe (if at all !) 


Best wishes


Dick Filby

Carbondale, Garfield Cty, CO




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