Hi all!  It's been so long since I posted anything I had to re-learn
the process.  So I hope this is correct.  A fortuitously short trip
finding this couple.  As I left two times previous without seeing
them.  I happened to park right under the spruce tree the White-winged
Crossbills were feeding in today.  This was around 2:45pm and the sun
shining from the west made for perfect observation conditions.  I
never heard them at all due to their proximity to the raucous Mountain
Chickadee and Pine Siskin hordes they were intermingling with.  After
about 5 minutes they flew off to the west and I couldn't refind them.
I saw them in a tree in Section 7 but just of the road that bisects
Sections 7 and 9 on the South side of the cemetery.   Curiously, I did
not see or hear a Red Crossbill at all.  A good lifer to start the
year.  A thanks to Dave Leatherman for finding the birds.  I think
Dave is responsible for more birds on my life list than I am!

Good birding to you all!

Josh Bruening
Fort Collins

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