On my way back into Colorado I birded Foster Grove, Hale Crossroads, and Hale 
Ponds. Here is the same map that Bryan provided but with the green circle in 
the area of Hale Crossroads (I think):,39.28,1484/loc=-102.141,39.631

As I arrived at Foster Grove, it was 56 degrees and completely overcast. It was 
not super birdy but it did produce a CASSIN'S VIREO, TENNESSEE WARBLER, and an 
AMERICAN REDSTART as highlights.
The next stop was Hale Crossroads. This is not a very big area but I spent over 
three hours at this location. Not only were there several rarities but the 
local birds also had family groups all over which just added to the experience. 
The highlights for me were:

24 Red-headed Woodpeckers3 Olive-sided Flycatchers1 Alder Flycatcher6 Great 
Crested Flycatchers4 Cassin's Vireos7 Red-eyed Vireos9 Baltimore Orioles3 
Ovenbirds3 Black-and-white Warblers1 Nashville Warbler2 Mourning Warblers (1ad, 
1 imm.)6 Common Yellowthroat16 American Redstarts9 Yellow Warblers2 
Chestnut-sided Warblers2 Townsend's Warblers1 Black-throated Green Warbler1 
Canada Warbler8 Wilson's Warbler
It was amazing in there and I wonder what all I missed.
The last stop was at Hale Ponds, I only really worked the area near the 
southwestern-most pond and right the by the river. I probably should have 
worked the river more but I as running out of time. Highlights were:
2 Olive-sided Flycatchers4 Great Crested Flycatchers3 Cassin's Vireos3 Red-eyed 
Vireos1 Black-and-white Warbler4 Common Yellowthroats13 American Redstarts1 
Blackburnian Warbler3 Yellow Warblers3 Wilson's Warblers
Very fun day on the eastern edge of the state!

Mark PetersonColorado Springs

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