Last night the phoebe parents came in and started "beating up" on the 4
chicks at 5 p.m. on Day 15 posthatch!  Is that normal behavior for
encouraging them to leave the nest?!  I have only seen other parent spp
entice chicks with food calling to them to come on out!  This went on with
both parents in attendance for about 20 min!  Thought for sure they were
killing them, jabbing down their throats (with no food), stabbing, pulling
at their head feathers and literally in a couple moves it looked like they
were trying to drag them out!  This morning they all are out on the shelf
outside of the nest, but still in the box.  See photos.  The parents aren't
feeding them that I have seen, but are still hanging around on their usual
perches.  I saw and heard one parent calling softly this noon from behind my
house when I was eating lunch on the patio!  Books say fledge at 14-16 d.
This is Day 16!


It is supposed to be 95 today and 99 tomorrow so hope to see them leave the
darn box that gets warm by late afternoon.


Has anyone seen or read about this kind of tough love??!!



Kayleen A. Niyo, Ph.D.
Niyo Scientific Communications
Kay Niyo Photography

5651 Garnet Street
Golden, CO 80403
Phone: (303) 679-6646
Fax: (866) 849-8013 


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