Hi everyone,
First, a huge thank you to all the participants.  We have a great set of people 
every year and they always out do themselves and I can't thank them enough!
And again, they did it this year.  We were able to set a new high for the 
Penrose count with 129 species.  We had only one big miss on the day being 
Northern Harrier.  There had been and still may be a Red-headed Woodpecker in 
the circle but it is typically in an inaccessible area.  Other species that 
were in the area a week earlier were:  Surf Scoter, Harris's Sparrow, 
Yellow-headed Blackbird and Rusty Blackbird.
We added one new species to the count that Rich Miller had found a couple weeks 
prior, GREEN HERON.  Other notable species for this count:
Snow GooseRoss's GooseRuddy DuckEared GrebeWestern GrebePeregrine 
FalconSandhill Crane Williamsons's Sapsucker - 2Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 
4Ladder-backed WoodpeckerBlack PhoebeSay's PhoebeBoth ShrikesPACIFIC WRENWinter 
WrenNothern MockingbirdSage ThrasherRufous-crowned SparrowWhite-throated 
SparrowCommon GrackleGreat-tailed GrackleBrown-headed Cowbird
Thank you again to everyone who helps out on their local and not so local 
Christmas Bird Counts!

-----Mark Peterson
Colorado Springs

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