Spring has arrived, or at least some spring birds have. Yesterday we counted 4 
Blue-gray Gnatcatchers in our gully. 
Last night, Urling heard a Poorwill - wish I had better ears.Today, a Western 
Tanager and a Black-headed Grosbeak, both striking males.20 Chipping Sparrows 
flying along a fence line. Tree Swallows perched on two different nest 
boxes.Western Bluebirds & White-breasted Nuthatches vying for a hole in our 
wall.Mountain Chickadees and a House Wren vying for a box on the side of the 
house. Lots of singing Spotted Towhees.
And either 2 or 5 Bushtits feeding on suet cakes -- we wonder where they have a 

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