We birded at Chatfield on Sunday, Feb 15 for the GBBC. Among 30 Common
Merganzers, 40 Redheads, 4 Hooded Merganzers, and 50 Mallards, we watched
10-12 Common Goldeneys for more than 30 minutes through the high power of
the Questar. One bird had us pretty baffled.

We watched a Goldeneye with no white patch. It was an adult male with an
almost vertical forehead and small, more pointed bill, looking exactly like
a Barrow¹s Goldeneye. It had a much darker back than the Commons, with a
strong black spur at the shoulder extending into the white breast. It was
swimming with the Commons but had almost a Hooded appearance with the
straight forehead and the thin bill. With the Hooded swimming nearby,
however, the overall differences were obvious.

Any ideas about an adult male Barrow¹s without a white patch? Could this be
a juvenile just not quite in full adult plumage?

JoAnn Hackos

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