Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
e-mail:      RBA AT
Date:        March 12, 2018

This is the Rare Bird Alert for Monday, March 12 sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species)
NOTE:  The RBA is now using the new AOU checklist and the order of families
has changed.
Greater White-fronted Goose (Jefferson, Rio Grande)
BRANT (*Arapahoe)
Trumpeter Swan (Chaffee)
Greater Scaup (Weld)
White-winged Scoter (*Arapahoe)
Long-tailed Duck (Montezuma)
Barrow’s Goldeneye (Chaffee, Montezuma)
Red-necked Grebe (Arapahoe, Douglas, *Larimer)
White-winged Dove (*Alamosa, Douglas)
White-throated Swift (El Paso)
Virginia Rail (Chaffee, Weld)
Sora (Arapahoe, Montrose)
Sandhill Crane (Delta, Rio Grande, Weld)
Lesser Yellowlegs (Weld)
Greater Yellowlegs (Chaffee, Denver, *El Paso, Rio Grande)
Spotted Sandpiper (Arapahoe)
Franklin’s Gull (Weld)
California Gull (Douglas, Mesa)
Iceland Gull (El Paso, Pueblo)
American White Pelican (Douglas)
Turkey Vulture (Douglas, Jefferson, *Larimer)
Osprey (*Weld)
Sharp-shinned Hawk (Summit)
Northern Goshawk (*Jefferson, Larimer, *Weld)
HARRIS’S HAWK (*Larimer)
Swainson’s Hawk (*Adams)
Burrowing Owl (Broomfield, Weld)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Denver)
Ladder-backed Woodpecker (*El Paso)
Black Phoebe (*Mesa)
Eastern Phoebe (Arapahoe)
Say’s Phoebe (*Adams, *Arapahoe, Boulder, Douglas, *Jefferson, Larimer,
Chihuahuan Raven (Arapahoe, *El Paso, Fremont)
Tree Swallow (*Boulder)
Mountain Chickadee (*Weld)
Bushtit (Arapahoe, Weld)
Pygmy Nuthatch (Broomfield)
Winter Wren (Morgan)
Golden-crowned Kinglet (Denver, Jefferson, Weld)
Mountain Bluebird (*Pitkin)
Hermit Thrush (Arapahoe)
Gray Catbird (Boulder)
Curve-billed Thrasher (*El Paso)
Northern Mockingbird (*Adams)
Pine Grosbeak (*Jefferson)
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (Summit)
Common Redpoll (Elbert, Larimer)
Red Crossbill (*Weld)
Cassin’s Sparrow (El Paso)
Sagebrush Sparrow (Arapahoe)
Savannah Sparrow (Weld)
Fox Sparrow (Adams, Larimer)
Lincoln’s Sparrow (Chaffee, Douglas, El Paso, Jefferson, *Larimer, Las
Animas, Mesa, *Montrose)
White-throated Sparrow (Arapahoe, El Paso, Mesa)
Harris’s Sparrow (El Paso)
Brown-headed Cowbird (Arapahoe, Yuma)
Rusty Blackbird (Larimer)
Common Yellowthroat (*Chaffee)
Pine Warbler (Larimer)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Arapahoe, Jefferson)

---On March 4 at Big Dry Creek Open Space (Metzger Farms), David Ely and
Matt Hofeditz reported Northern Mockingbird.  On March 10 at Big Dry Creek
Open Space (Metzger Farms), Matt Hofeditz reported Northern Mockingbird.
 On March 11 at Big Dry Creek Open Space, David Ely reported Say’s Phoebe.
---On March 8 at Sage Creek Park, Kim Mauritz reported 2 Red Fox Sparrows.
---On March 10 at Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR, Arsenal staff reported
Swainson’s Hawk.

---On March 11 on Alamosa Rio Grande Riverwalk, Tanja Britton reported
White-winged Dove.


---On March 4 at Ketring Park and Lake, Renee Casias reported BRANT.  On
March 6 at Gallup Park, DFO Field Trip led by David Suddjian reported BRANT
in the morning but in the afternoon, Art Hudak reported BRANT at Ketring
Park.  On March 7 at Ketring Park and Lake, Carol Ortenzio, Brian Johnson,
David Chernak and Tom Behnfield reported BRANT; Frank Farrel reported BRANT
at 5820 S. Windmere in Littleton.  On March 11 at Ketring Park and Lake,
Scott Somershoe and Alison Field reported BRANT.
---On March 6 at Lower Ridgewood Park, DFO Field trip led by David Suddjian
reported Eastern Phoebe.  On Marach 7 at Lower Ridgewiid Park, David
Chernak reported Eastern Phoebe.  On March 8 at Lower Ridgewood Park, David
Suddjian reported Eastern Phoebe and Hermit Thrush.  On March 9 at Lee
Gulch Overlook Park,  Edward Donnan reported Eastern Phoebe.
---On March 7 on S Platte River at Union Ave, Crystal Wilson reported
Spotted Sandpiper.
---On March 3 at Cherry Creek SP Lake Loop, Glenn Walbek and Lynne Miller
reported Sagebrush Sparrow.  On March 4 at Cherry Creek SP, Christine
Alexander, Renee Casias, Gregg Goodrich, and Anna Troth reported Sagebrush
Sparrow.  On March 6 at Cherry Creek SP Lake Loop, Christine Alexander
reported Sagebrush Sparrow.
---On March 3 on South Platte River from Union to Bowles, Crystal Wilson
reported Spotted Sandpiper and 6 Bushtits.
---On March 6 at South Platte Park Northern Wildlife Area, DFO field trip
led by David Suddjian reported Yellow-rumped (Audubon’s) Warbler.  On March
7 at South Platte Park NWA, Brain Johnson reported Yellow-rumped Warbler.
On March 7 at South Platte Park, C470 area, Robert Folzenlogen reported 2
Yellow-rumped Warblers.  On March 9 at South Platte Park Carson Nature
Center, Bill Schreitz reported 5 Yellow-rumped Warablers.
---On March 6 on Lee Gulch Trail from Prince to Windermere, David Suddjian
reported Hermit Thrush.
---On March 6 at Cherry Creek SP, Ben Sampson reported 6 Chihuahuan Ravens.
---On March 9 at Aurora Reservoir, Cheri Phillips reported 2 Red-necked
Grebes.  On March 11 at Aurora Reservoir, Matt Hofeditz reported
White-winged Scoter.
---On March 9 at South Platte Reservoir, Lisa McGloin reported White-winged
---On March 9 at Cherry Creek SP, Candice Johnson reported Sora and
Brown-headed Cowbird on marsh on 12 Mile Trail.
---On March 11 at Cherry Creek Valley Ecological Park, Cynthia Madsen and
David Hill reported Say’s Phoebe.

---On March 4 at Walden Ponds and Sawhill Ponds, Ron Podhajsky reported 2
Gray Catbirds in front of ranger house
---On March 7 at East Boulder Community Park, Boulder Bird Club reported
Say’s Phoebe.
---On March 11 at Stearns Lake, Bob Spencer reported 2 Tree Swallows.

---On February 28 and March 2 in field East of Huron between Hwy 7 and W of
160th Ave, Ivan Mota reported continuing Burrowing Owl.  Gwen Moore also
reported Burrowing Owl at same location on March 2.  On March 4 on Huron
between Baseline (Hwy 7) and 160th  Brian Johnson reported Burrowing Owl.

---On March 5 at Buena Vista Ice Pond (view from road), Christian
Hagenlocher reported 8 Barrow’s Goldeneyes and Lincoln’s Sparrow.   On
March 9 at Buena Vista Ice Pond (View from road), Christian Hagenlocher
reported 46 Barrow’s Goldeneyes, Virginia rail, Greater Yellowlegs and
Lincoln’s Sparrow.
---On March 9 near Clear Creek Reservoir, Christian Hagenlocher reported
Trumpeter Swan.
---On March 10 at Sands Lake SWA, Christian Hagelocher reported m Common

---On March 9 at Hart’s Basin, Evelyn Horn reported 50 – 60 Sandhill Cranes.

---On March 4 at Denver Botanic Gardens and Cheesman Park, Rebecca Laroche
reported 2 Golden-crowned Kinglets.
---On March 9 at First Creek at DEN OS, John Breitsch reported Greater
---On March 9 at Fairmount Cemetery, Jeff Dawson reported ad f
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker seen near Highline Canal west of Mausoleum.

---On February 27 at Chatfield SP From Handicapped Fisherman Platform and
Marina Sandspit, Gregg Goodrich, Anna Troth, Gwen Moore, Time Ryan, Mark
Chavez, and Steve Miller reported YELLOW-BILLED LOON, Red-necked Grebe,
American White Pelican, and Iceland (Thayer’s) Gull.  On February 28 at
Chatfield SP from Handicapped Fisherman Platform and Marina Sandspit, Chery
Teuton, Dan Brooke, Cal Gesmundo, Zak Pohlen, and Christine Alexander
reported YELLOW-BILLED LOON, Red-necked Grebe California Gull, and Iceland
Gull.  On March 3 at Chatfield SP Heronry Overlook, Doug Kibbe and
Mackenzie Goldthwaite reported YELLOW-BILLED LOON.  On March 4 at Chatfield
SP, Joey Kellner reported Red-necked Grebe from Hadicapped Fisherman
Platform and YELLOW-BILLED LOON from Lake View Parking Lot; Tim Ryan
reported YELLOW-BILLED LOON off heronry overlook and Red-necked Grebe along
dam by rocks; Bill Boeringer reported YELLOW-BILLED LOON near SE entrance.
On March 6 at Chatfield SP Old Heronry Overlook, DFO Field Trip led by
David Suddjian reported YELLOW-BILLED LOON.  On March 8 at Chatfield SP
Handicapped Fisherman Platform, Doug Kibbe reported YELLOW-BILLED LOON.
 On March 9 at Chatfield SP Original Heronry Overlook, Joey Kellner and
Lisa McGloin reported YELLOW-BILLED LOON.  On March 10 at Chatfield SP
Marina Sandspit, Joey Kellner reported YELLOW-BILLED LOON.  On March 11 at
Chatfield SP Marina Sandspit, David Alpeter and Tom Behnfield reported
---On February 26 at Chatfield SP Marina Sandspit, Diane Roberts reported
Red-necked Grebe.
---On February 26 at Highland Ranch Open Space near Toepfer, Gail Presley
reported Say’s Phobe.
---On March 4 on South Santa Fe Dr (US 85) near Louviers, Diane Roberts
reported Turkey Vulture.
---On March 8 in Larkspur, Laura Roberts reported White-winged Dove.

---On March 8 at 296 Antelope Run in Elizabeth (view from road), Loch
Kilpatrick reported Common Redpoll at feeder.

---On March 1 at Clear Spring Ranch,Tanja Britton reported White-throated
---On March 3 on Hanover Road, Leonard and Joy Lake reported Ladder-backed
Woodpecker and Curve-billed Thrasher.
---On March 7 at Bear Creek Nature Center, Del Nelson reported Lincoln’s
---On March 7 at Garden of Gods Park, Brook Nelson reported 2
White-throated Swifts.
---On March 9 at Hanover Road, David Tonnessen and Jim Merrit reported
Cassin’s Sparrow.   On March 11 on Hanover Road, Robb Hinds reported
Ladder-backed Woodpecker; Diane Roberts reported 2 Chihuahuan Ravens and 2
Curve-billed Thrasher.
---On March 9 at Chico Basin ranch (fee area), David Tonnessen and Jim
Merrit reported Ladder-backed Woodpecker and Curve-billed Thrasher.
---On March 11 at Birdsall Road, Kevin Ash reported Curve-billed Thrasher.
---On March 11 at Hanover Fire Station, Kevin Ash reported Curve-billed
---On March 11 at Squirrel Creek Rd Reservoir, Robb Hinds reported Greater

---On March 4 at 1300 Golden Circle in Golden, Erin  Burn reported Greater
White-fronted Goose.
---On March 6 at Woodmar Park, Bryan Arnold reported Greater White-fronted
---On March 6 at Clear Creek trail from Golden to I-70, Myron Gerhard
reported Yellow-rumped Warbler.
---On March 7 at Wheat Ridge Greenbelt, Matt Clark reported 3
Golden-crowned Kinglets, 2 Yellow-rumped Warblers, and Lincoln’s Sparrow.
---On March 11 at Staunton SP, Santiago Tabares reported 5 Pine Grosbeak.
---On March 11 at Ralston/Croke, Steve Snyder reported Northern Goshawk
near Ralston Creek and Say’s Phoebe by West Woods Golf Course pond.

---On March 9 at Wild Horse Birdfeeder in Loveland, John Reichhardt
reported Pine Warbler.
---On March 4 at CSU Environmental Learning Center, Eva Matthews Lark
reported Red Fox Sparrow.
---On February 28 at Fort Collins City Park and Sheldon Lake, Dave
Leatherman found Red-necked Grebe which was seen by several other birders.
 On March 9 at Fort Collins City Park and Sheldon Lake, Judd Patterson
reported Red-necked Grebe.  On March 10 at Fort Collins City Park and
Sheldon Lake, Joey Angstman, Greg Wann, Adrian Monroe, and Paul Ode
reported Red-necked Grebe.  On March 11 at Fort Collins City Park and
Sheldon Lake, Caroline Olson, Doug Kibbe, Jeff Dawson, Elaine Wagner, Neil
Matheson report Red-necked Grebe.
---On March 3 at Crescent Park in Greenwood Village, Troy Becker reported 6
Red Crossbills.
---On March 4 at Cattail Pond, Christine Sparks reported Say’s Phoebe.
---On March 7 at Ridgen Reservoir in eastern Fort Collins, Dave Leatherman
reported m Barrow’s Goldeneye.
---On March 8 at Pleasant Valley and Lake Canal Greenbelt at W Lake St in
Fort Collins, Nick Komar reported 2 Common Redpoll.
---On March 9  at Visitors Center in Fort Collins, Richard Herrington
reported HARRIS’S HAWK.
---On March 10 at Hillsdale Park in Berthoud, Foothills Audubon led by Ron
Harden reported Lincoln’s Sparrow.
---On March 11 at Horsetooth Reservoir, April Eisele reported Turkey
Vulture soaring above Inlet Bay.

---On March 7 at JE Canyon Ranch Belew Holes, Jack Harlan reported
Lincoln’s Sparow.

---On March 6 at Grand Junction WA, Ryan Claar reported 2 Lincoln’s
Sparrows.  On March 9 at Grand Junction WA, Mike Henwood and Katey Buster
reported White-throated Sparrow and Lincoln’s Sparrow.
---On March 10 at Connected Lakes SP, Carol Ortenzio and Katey Buster
reported Black Phoebe along the canal

---On March 3 at McPhee Reservoir East end, Jim Beatty reported pair of
Barrow’s Goldeneyes and f Long-tailed Duck.  On March 6 at Dolores Ponds
(wastewater treatment plant), Coen Dexter and Brenda Wright reported
Long-tailed Duck and m Barrow’s Goldeneye.
---On March 3 at Totten Reservoir, Jim Beatty reported f Barrow’s Goldeneye.
---On March 4 at Industrial Pond near Cortez, Coen Dexter and Brenda Wright
reported Say’s Phoebe.

---On March 6 at Marine Road Park in Montrose, Sandy Beranich reported Sora.
---On March 11 at Nucal Sewage Lagoons, Brenda Wright and Coen Dexter
reported Lincoln’s Sparrow.

---On March 7 at Riverside Park (east section) in Fort Morgan, Norm Lewis
reported Winter Wren.

---On March 11 at Basalt High School, Reid Greiner reported 7 Mountain
Bluebirds (6m, 1f).

---On March 7 at Monte Vista NWR, John Rawinski reported Greater
White-fronted Goose and 10 – 15,000 Sandhill Cranes.
---On March 10 at Home Lake, Laura Aardwolfe and Lisa Clements reported
Greater Yellowlegs wading on shore of lake.

---On March 9 at Keystone Ranch Golf Course in Dillon, Michael Green
reported Sharp-shinned Hawk and 3 Gray-cronwed Rosy-Finch.

---On March 2 at Glenmere Park in Greeley, Tony Leukering reported 2 Mt
Chickadees, 3 Bushtit, 9 Red Crossbills; Adam Veseley reported Red
Crossbill and Golden-crowned Kinglet.  On March 3 at Glenmere Park in
Greeley, Gene Rutherford reported 2 Bushtit.  On March 7 at Glenmere Park
in Greeley, Shawn Mason reported Mountain Chickadee.  On March 8 at
Glenmere Park, Shawn Mason reported 2 Mountain Chickadees, Golden-crowned
Kinglet, and 2 Bushtit.  On March 9 at Glenmere Park, Shawn Mason reported
2 Bushtits.  On March 11 at Glenmere Park, Shawn Masson and Gene Rutherford
reported Mountain Chickadee and 9 type 2 Red Crossbill (4m, 4f).
---On March 4 at Pawnee Grasslands, CR 106 east of CR 51, Gregg Somermeyer
reported Snowy Owl on power pole.
---On March 4 near LaSalle south of CR 40 west of CR 47, Gene Rutherford
reported 2 Sandhill Cranes.
---On March 4 near LaSalle north of CR 38 between CR 47 and CR 49, Gene
Rutherford reported Burrowing Owl.
---On March 4 at Eaton Cemetery, Gene Rutherford reported 3 Mountain
---On March 4 at Cozzens Lake, Gene Rutherford reported Greater Yellowlegs
and Lesser Yellowlegs.
---On March 7 at Banner Lakes SWA, Doug Kibbe reported 2 Virginia Rail.
---On March 7 at LUNA reservoir, Bill Kaempfer reported Franklin’s Gull,
Iceland Gull, and Iceland (Thayer’s) Gull.
---On March 11 at St Vrain SP, Doug Kibbe, Jeff Dawson, and Elaine Wagner
reported Osprey and Northern Goshawk; Christina Yeagley reported Osprey.
DFO Field trips:
The DFO Field Trip for Monday, March 12 will be to Elbert County led by
David Suddjian (dsuddjian AT; 831-713-8659).  Meet at Lowe’s in
Castle Rock at 0600 near the outlet stores.  I-25 south, exist at
Founders/Meadows Pkwy (exit 184), turn right (west), then right on Santa Fe
Dr (Hwy 95), the right on New Beale St.  Exact address 1360 New Beale St.
Castle Rock, Co 80108.
     Will explore some parts of Elbert County, driving roads and seeing
what we can find.  Will likely focus on the southeastern part of the
county, seeking longspurs, and raptors and other prairie birds.  Restroom
opportunities will be very limited, but we will be out in the fields.
Register online or contact leader.

The DFO Field Trip for Tuesday, March 13 will be to Littleton Area looking
for Eastern Screech-Owls led by David Suddjian.  This trip is full

The DFO Field Trip of Wednesday, March 14 will be Front Range Owling led by
David Suddjian.  This trip is full.

The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, March 17 will be to First Creek at Denver
Open Space led by Patrick O’Driscoll (patodrisk AT; 303-885-6955
(cell))   This trip is full.
The DFO Field Trip for Sunday, March 18 will be to Canon City led by Mark
Amershek (mamershek AT; 303-329-8646).  This Trip is full.

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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