Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
e-mail:      RBA AT
Date:        March 6, 2018

This is the Rare Bird Alert for Tuesday, March 6  sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species)
NOTE:  The RBA is now using the new AOU checklist and the order of families
has changed.
Greater White-fronted Goose (Adams, Jefferson, Rio Grande)
BRANT (Arapahoe)
Trumpeter Swan (Archuleta)
Greater Scaup ( Mesa, Park, Weld)
White-winged Scoter (Arapahoe, Jefferson)
Long-tailed Duck (Montezuma)
Barrow’s Goldeneye (*Chaffee, Montezuma, Park, Weld)
Red-necked Grebe (Douglas, Jefferson, *Larimer)
Sandhill Crane (Adams, Delta, Mesa, Rio Grande, Weld)
Lesser Yellowlegs (Weld)
Greater Yellowlegs (Kiowa, Prowers, Weld)
Spotted Sandpiper (Arapahoe)
Franklin’s Gull (Boulder)
Mew Gull (Weld)
California Gull (Douglas, Mesa, Park)
Iceland Gull (El Paso, Kiowa, Pueblo, Weld)
Glaucous Gull (Kiowa)
Great Black-backed Gull (Pueblo)
Double-crested Cormorant (Weld)
American White Pelican (Arapahoe, Douglas)
Turkey Vulture (Douglas, Jefferson)
Osprey (Pueblo)
Northern Goshawk (Larimer)
Burrowing Owl (Broomfield, Weld)
Ladder-backed Woodpecker (El Paso)
Eastern Phoebe (Arapahoe)
Say’s Phoebe (Arapahoe, Denver, Douglas, Larimer, Montezuma)
Pinyon Jay (Grand)
Chihuahuan Raven (Fremont, Jefferson)
Tree Swallow (Pueblo)
Mountain Chickadee (Weld)
Bushtit (Arapahoe, Weld)
Pygmy Nuthatch (Broomfield)
Winter Wren (Morgan)
Bewick’s Wren (Garfield)
Golden-crowned Kinglet (Denver, Weld)
Gray Catbird (Boulder)
Curve-billed Thrasher (El Paso)
Northern Mockingbird (Adams)
Bohemian Waxwing (Larimer)
Common Redpoll (Boulder, Jefferson)
Red Crossbill (Arapahoe, Weld)
Field Sparrow (Baca)
Sagebrush Sparrow (Arapahoe, Conejos)
Savannah Sparrow (Weld)
Fox Sparrow (Larimer)
Lincoln’s Sparrow (Archuleta, *Chaffee, Douglas, La Plata)
White-throated Sparrow (Arapahoe, El Paso)
Harris’s Sparrow (Denver, El Paso)
Yellow-headed Blackbird (Weld)
Brown-headed Cowbird (Yuma)
Rusty Blackbird (Larimer)
Pine Warbler (*Larimer)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Larimer)

---On February 26 at Rocky Mt Arsenal NWR, Susan Rosine reported 2 Greater
White-Fronted Geese on far side of Lower Derby Lake.
---On February 27 on Elaine T Valente Open Space, Crystal Beckel reported
22 Sandhill Cranes.
---On March 4 at Big Dry Creek Open Space (Metzger Farms), David Ely and
Matt Hofeditz reported Northern Mockingbird.


---On February 27 at South Platte Reservoir, Cal Gesmundo and Zak Pohlen
reported White-winged Scoter and Say’s Phoebe.
---On February 27 at Ketring Park and Lake, Gregg Goodrich, Mark Chavez,
Steve Miller, and Jim Merritt reported Black BRANT.  On March 1 at Gallup
Park, Gwen Moore reported Black BRANT.  On March 1 at Ketring Park and
Lake, Edward Donnan reported Black BRANT.  On March 4 at Ketring Park and
Lake, Renee Casias reported BRANT.
---On February 27 at Cherry Creek SP, Mary Kiehtler reported American White
---On February 28 on Arrowhead Loop (Elizabeth to Aurora and back), Tina
Peters reported 2 Common Redpoll.
---On March 1 at Lee Gulch trail downstream of S Prince St in Littleton,
David Suddjian reported Eastern Phoebe.  On March 2 at Lee Gulch Trail
downstream of S Prince St in Littleton, David Suddjian, Mark Chavez and
Diane Roberts reported Eastern Phoebe.  On March 3 at Lee Gulch Overlook
Park, Art Hudak, Anna Troth, Gregg Goodrich, and Cole Sage reported Eastern
---On March 1 on High Line Canal Trail E Belleview Ave to E Quincy Ave
(Blackmer Lake area), Santiago Tabares reported Say’s Phoebe.
---On March 2 at Cherry Creek SP, Cynthia Madsen and Diane Roberts reported
Say’s Phoebe.
---On March 2 at Littles Creek Park in Littleton, Diane Roberts reported
Black  BRANT.
---On March 2 on S Platte River at Union Ave, Crystal Wilson reported
Spotted Sandpiper.
---On March 3 at Cherry Creek SP Lake Loop, Glenn Walbek and Lynne Miller
reported Sagebrush Sparrow.  On March 4 at Cherry Creek SP, Christine
Alexander, Renee Casias, Gregg Goodrich, and Anna Troth reported Sagebrush
---On March 3 at Crescent Park in Greenwood Village, Troy Becker reported 6
Red Crossbills.
---On March 3 on South Platte River from Union to Bowles, Crystal Wilson
reported Spotted Sandpiper and 6 Bushtits.

---On February 28 at Village Lake in Pagosa Springs, Byron Greco reported 3
Trumpeter Swans.
---On February 28 at Vista Ponda, Charles Martinez reported Lincoln’s

---On February 28 at Valmont Reservoir Complex, Jeff Parks reported
Franklin’s Gull.
---On March 2 at Lagerman Reservoir, Carl Starace reported Common Redpoll.
---On March 4 at Walden Ponds and Sawhill Ponds, Ron Podhajsky reported 2
Gray Catbirds in front of ranger house

---On February 28 and March 2 in field East of Huron between Hwy 7 and W of
160th Ave, Ivan Mota reported continuing Burrowing Owl.  Gwen Moore also
reported Burrowing Owl at same location on March 2.  On March 4 on Huron
between Baseline (Hwy 7) and 160th  Brian Johnson reported Burrowing Owl.

---On March 5 at Buena Vista Ice Pond (view from road), Christian
Hagenlocher reported 8 Barrow’s Goldeneyes and Lincoln’s Sparrow.

---On February 28 at Antonito, John Rawinski reported Sagebrush Sparrows.
Go to Antonito, take Rd G east until Rd F joins from SE.  Take Rd F and
watch for next 2-3 miles.

---On March 3 Rick Harner and Evelyn Horn reported hundreds of Sandhill
Cranes at Hart’s  Basin/Fruitgrowers Reservoir.

---On February 26 at Westerly Creek Park, Jason Bidgood reported Say’s
---On March 1 at First Creek at DEN OS, John Breitsch reported Harris’s
Sparrow.  On March 2 at First Creek at DEN OS, Mark Chavez reported
Harris’s Sparrow.  On March 3 at First Creek at DEN OS, Bill Boeringer, Don
Hall, and Bill Schreitz reported Harris’s Sparrow.
---On March 4 at Denver Botanic Gardens and Cheesman Park, Rebecca Laroche
reported 2 Golden-crowned Kinglets.

---On February 27 at Chatfield SP From Handicapped Fisherman Platform and
Marina Sandspit, Gregg Goodrich, Anna Troth, Gwen Moore, Time Ryan, Mark
Chavez, and Steve Miller reported YELLOW-BILLED LOON, Red-necked Grebe,
American White Pelican, and Iceland (Thayer’s) Gull.  On February 28 at
Chatfield SP from Handicapped Fisherman Platform and Marina Sandspit, Chery
Teuton, Dan Brooke, Cal Gesmundo, Zak Pohlen, and Christine Alexander
reported YELLOW-BILLED LOON, Red-necked Grebe California Gull, and Iceland
Gull.  On March 3 at Chatfield SP Heronry Overlook, Doug Kibbe and
Mackenzie Goldthwaite reported YELLOW-BILLED LOON.  On March 4 at Chatfield
SP, Joey Kellner reported Red-necked Grebe from Hadicapped Fisherman
Platform and YELLOW-BILLED LOON from Lake View Parking Lot; Tim Ryan
reported YELLOW-BILLED LOON off heronry overlook and Red-necked Grebe along
dam by rocks; Bill Boeringer reported YELLOW-BILLED LOON near SE entrance.
---On February 26 at Chatfield SP Marina Sandspit, Diane Roberts reported
Red-necked Grebe.
---On February 26 at Highland Ranch Open Space near Toepfer, Gail Presley
reported Say’s Phobe.
---On March 4 on South Santa Fe Dr (US 85) near Louviers, Diane Roberts
reported Turkey Vulture.

---On March 1 at Clear Spring Ranch,Tanja Britton reported White-throated
---On March 3 on Hanover Road, Leonard and Joy Lake reported Ladder-backed
Woodpecker and Curve-billed Thrasher.

---On February 26 at Silt Island Park, Kathy Mihm Dunning reported Bewick’s

---On March 1 at Snow Mountain Ranch cabins, Reed Gorner reported Pinyon

---On February 27 at Waterton Canyon from Waterton Road to overhead pipes,
Cal Gesmundo and Zak Pohlen reported Common Redpoll.
---On March 2 in Foothills of Golden, Ira Sanders reported 10+ Chihuahuan
---On March 3 at Chatfield SP N boat ramp, DuWayne Worthington reported
Red-necked Grebe.
---On March 4 at 1300 Golden Circle in Golden, Erin  Burn reported Greater
White-fronted Goose.

---On March 3 at Neenoshe Reservoir, Tony Leukering reported Greater
Yellowlegs, Iceland Gull, and 2 1-st cyc Glaucous Gulls.

---On February 27 at Animas River Trail Huck Finn Pond and Hatchery Area,
Ryan Votta reported Lincoln’s Sparrow.
---On February 27 on Animas River Trail across from Mercury Payments, Jason
St. Pierre reported Lincoln’s Sparrow.

---On March 5 at Wild Horse Birdfeeder in Loveland, John Reichhardt
reported Pine Warbler.
---On February 26 at CSU Environmental Learning Center, Austin Hess
reported Red Fox Sparrow.   On March 2 at CSU Environmental Learning
Center, David Ely reported Red Fox Sparrow.  On March 4 at CSU
Environmental Learning Center, Eva Matthews Lark reported Red Fox Sparrow.
---On February 27 at Kingfisher Point, Nix Farms and Williams NA, Lori
Zabel reported 3 Yellow-rumped Warblers.
---On February 27 at entrance road to Bobcat Ridge NA, Joe Mammoser
reported 6 Bohemian Waxwings.
---On February 28 at Fort Collins City Park and Sheldon Lake, Dave
Leatherman found Red-necked Grebe which was seen by several other birders.
 On March 1 at Fort Collins City Park and Sheldon Lake, Gary Lefko and many
other birders reported Red-necked Grebe.  On March 2 at Fort Collins City
Park and Sheldon Lake, Bez Bezuidenhout and many other birders reported
Red-necked Grebe.  On March 3 at Fort Collins City Park and Sheldon Lake,
Darla Anerson, John Shenot, Eva Matthews Lark, and Tyler Moss reported
Red-necked Grebe.  On March 4 at Fort Collins City Park and Sheldon Lake,
April Eisele and Dave Leatherman reported Red-necked Grebe.  On March 5 at
Fort Collins City Park and Sheldon Lake, Joshua Smith reported Red-necked
---On March 1 at Kechter Pit Wetland, Austin Hess reported HARRIS’S HAWK
perched on telephone wire.
---On March 3 at Crescent Park in Greenwood Village, Troy Becker reported 6
Red Crossbills.
---On March 4 at Cattail Pond, Christine Sparks reported Say’s Phoebe.

---On February 24 at Highline Lake SP, Denise and Mark Vollmar reported
Greater Scaup and 2 California Gulls.  On February 26 at Highline Lake SP,
Carol Ortenzio and Denise and Mark Vollmar reported 2 Greater Scaup and 2
California Gulls, and 180 Sandhill  Cranes.  On February 27 at Highline
Lake SP, Mike Henwood reported 2 California Gulls.

---On March 3 at McPhee Reservoir East end, Jim Beatty reported pair of
Barrow’s Goldeneyes and f Long-tailed Duck.
---On March 3 at Totten Reservoir, Jim Beatty reported f Barrow’s Goldeneye.
---On March 4 at Industrial Pond near Cortez, Coen Dexter and Brenda Wright
reported Say’s Phoebe.

---On February 24 at Riverside Park (east section) in Fort Morgan, Norm
Lewis reported Winter Wren.  On February 27 at Riverside Park (east
section), Brian Johnson reported Winter Wren.

---On February 27 at Elevenmile Reservoir, Steve Mlodiow reported Greater
Scaup, 8 courting Barrow’s Goldeneyes, and California Gull.

---On February 28 at pond at US287 and Hwy 50, Tony Leukering reported 3
Greater Yellowlegs.

---On February 26 at Runyon Lake in Pueblo, Mark Yaeger reported 2 Tree
Swallows flying above river.
---On February 27 at Pueblo Reservoir South Marina, Linda Hdges and Chares
Paterson reported Great Black-backed Gull.
---On March 1 at Pueblo Reservoir Rock Canyon (below dam, north of River),
Vicki Sandage reported Osprey.
---On March 3 at Pueblo Reservoir South Marina area, Shayna Wieferich
reported Osprey.

---On February 28 at Monte Vista NWR, John Rawinski reported Greater
White-fronted Goose and 4-5,000 Sandhill Cranes.

---On March 2 at Firestone Gravel Pits (view from road), Tony Leukering
reported m Barrow’s Goldeneye and 2 Iceland (Thayer’s) Gulls.
---On February 28 on South Platte near 168th AVE, Sunny Bradford reported
Double-crested Cormorant in ponds of wastewater treatment plant.
---On March 1 at Barefoot Lakes Area, Gene Rutherford reported 1-st cyc Mew
---On March 2 at Behren Reservoir area, Gene Rutherford and Norm Lewis
reported 5 Greater White-Fronted Geese, 6 Greater Yellowlegs, Savannah
Sparrow.  On March 3 at Behrens Reservoir area, Gene Rutherford reported 6
Greater –Yellowlegs.

---On March 2 at Lower Latham Reservoir area, Gene Rutherford reported
Yellow-headed Blackbird.
---On March 2 at Glenmere Park in Greeley, Tony Leukering reported 2 Mt
Chickadees, 3 Bushtit, 9 Red Crossbills; Adam Veseley reported Red
Crossbill and Golden-crowned Kinglet.  On March 3 at Glenmere Park in
Greeley, Gene Rutherford reported 2 Bushtit.
---On March 3 at Linn Grove Cemetery, Gene Rutherford reported Mountain
---On March 4 at Pawnee Grasslands, CR 106 east of CR 51, Gregg Somermeyer
reported Snowy Owl on power pole.
---On March 4 near LaSalle south of CR 40 west of CR 47, Gene Rutherford
reported 2 Sandhill Cranes.
---On March 4 near LaSalle north of CR 38 between CR 47 and CR 49, Gene
Rutherford reported Burrowing Owl.
---On March 4 at Eaton Cemetery, Gene Rutherford reported 3 Mountain
---On March 4 at Cozzens Lake, Gene Rutherford reported Greater Yellowlegs
and Lesser Yellowlegs.

DFO Field Trips:
Southwestern Metro Area  This trip is full.
Tuesday, March 6
7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
David Suddjian (Email: Phone: 831-713-8659)
Trail Difficulty: Moderate
Maximum Participants: 10
Directions: Meet at West Deer Creek Canyon Road near Wadsworth. From C-470
go south on Wadsworth, turn right on
Deer Creek Canyon Road and park on the north side of Deer Creek Canyon Road.
Specific birding spots will be selected the day of the trip based on what
is around and weather, but will seek
a variety of birds at a handful of sites, and we will chase rare birds that
may be in the local region. Register
online or contact leader.

Northeastern Colorado
Wednesday, March 7
5:00 AM - 6:00 PM
David Suddjian (Email: Phone: 831-713-8659)
Trail Difficulty: Strenuous
Maximum Participants: 15
Directions: Meet at the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Office in Denver, 6060
N Broadway. Exit I-25 at 58th Ave, go west
2 blocks to Broadway, then north 2 blocks to parking lot on right.
Special guest leader: Norm Lewis. We may visit Jumbo, Red Lion, and
Tamarack in the far northeast and Prewitt
Reservoir closer to home. Goals will be northeast specialties of the
season, geese, sparrows, cardinal, Long-eared Owl, Red-bellied
Woodpecker, Eastern Bluebird, or eastern possibilities and winter rarities,
including possible Snowy Owl and Common Redpoll.
Prepare for this full day winter outing with supplies of food. It is a
3-hour drive from meeting place to the first birding site. Possible
park entry fees. Register online or contact leader.

Prospect Park (Wheat Ridge Greenbelt)
Saturday, March 10
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Jackie King (Email: Phone: 720-381-3314)
Trail Difficulty: Easy
Directions: From I-70 exit 267, take Kipling south about 3/4 mile and turn
right (west) on 44th Avenue. Go one mile west.
Look for the entrance to Prospect Park on your left (south). Meet just
inside the park in the lot right next to Prospect Lake.
This is a trip with easy walking and accessible for mobility impaired
individuals. Bring water and a snack;
lunch optional. Good trip for novice birders and new members. Register
online or contact leader.

Cherry Creek SP Wetlands Loop (Arapahoe County)
Sunday, March 11
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Karen von Saltza & Bill Wuerthele (Email: Phone:
Trail Difficulty: Easy
Directions: Meet at the Prairie Loop lot in Cherry Creek SP. From either
park entrance, follow Lake View Rd to the
Prairie Loop that is located at the south rim of the reservoir. State Parks
pass or day pass required.

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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