I saw some issues in an early beta of iOS 11 of views not being left where they 
should be, but I was doing some things “esoterically,” and the bug was fixed in 
the next release. In the meantime, I used the visual debugger to see what was 
happening, and I might’ve used that info if it hadn’t been fixed. Try that out 
to see if anything jumps out at you.
Gary L. Wade

> On Oct 6, 2017, at 1:33 PM, Michal L. Wright <m...@raccoonbend.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an app (written in Objective C) that has a UIView that includes a 
> UITableView and a UIToolbar. The bottom section of the table view is a 
> UITextView. The Deployment Target is 9.0, and the Base SDK is iOS 11.
> Compiling with Xcode 9.0 and running on iPhone 6s (9.2) in the Simulator, 
> tapping any of the buttons in the toolbar works fine, with the appropriate 
> function being called.
> Compiling with Xcode 9.0 and running on iPhone 6s (11.0) in the Simulator, 
> tapping anywhere in the toolbar initiates editing in the text view. However, 
> touching and holding on a button in the toolbar for about 3 seconds calls the 
> associated button function. My actual iPhone 6s running iOS 11.0.1 has the 
> same problem.
> As a test, I reduced the height of the table view, leaving a fairly large gap 
> between the bottom of the table view and the top of the toolbar, just to make 
> sure there wasn’t some kind of overlap. Even tapping in the gap causes the 
> text view to initiate editing.
> My first assumption had been that the problem was with UIToolbar, but that 
> doesn’t seem to be the case. Also, I have another view controller that 
> contains a UIView that contains a UITableView and a UIToolbar, and the the 
> problem does not occur there. 
> In fact, I just tried not adding the toolbar subview, and tapping in the 
> space where it would normally be still causes the text view to initiate 
> editing. That seems to point to the UITextView responding to taps outside of 
> its frame.
> Since Xcode 9 only offers a Base SDK of iOS 11, I switched to Xcode 8.3.3 and 
> selected a Base SDK of 10.3.
> The problem does not occur on any of the Simulator devices. So, although 
> Xcode 8.3.3 can’t launch the app on my iPhone running iOS 11.0.1, I decided 
> to go ahead and release the 8.3.3 version. It runs fine on my 6s, and I’ve 
> had a number of reports that it’s running fine for a variety of customers 
> under iOS 11.
> Even though I’ve managed to work around the problem for now, I can’t keep 
> using Xcode 8.3.3 forever — especially as it is very inconvenient not to be 
> able to debug the app running on my 6s.
> So, I’d like to figure out if I’m seeing a side effect of something I’m doing 
> wrong, or if there is a problem with either Xcode 9 or iOS 11 that needs to 
> be reported.
> The code is rather complex, but I’ll try to create a project that will 
> isolate the problem. Meanwhile I’m wondering if anyone else has seen anything 
> similar happening.
> Thanks for any insights,
> Mike Wright
> P.S. By the way, I’m 75 years old and would like to retire, but don’t want to 
> leave my customers in the lurch. If anyone might be interested in taking over 
> three related products, please email me directly (NOT through this list) and 
> I’ll tell you what’s involved.


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