Re: Still can't get autolayout to work the way I want

2013-09-19 Thread Kevin Cathey
To get the new Xcode 5.0 auto layout workflows, check to make sure that you don't have your development target for the nib set to 4.6. You can check this by selecting the document, opening the file inspector, and under Interface Builder Document make sure Opens In is set to Default (5.0) or

Re: Still can't get autolayout to work the way I want

2013-09-19 Thread Kevin Cathey
On 19 Sep 2013, at 17:37, Rick Mann wrote: On Sep 19, 2013, at 17:36 , Kyle Sluder wrote: Is IB changing the *values*, or the *numbers* that appear on the constraints? If a view’s frame is out of whack with its constraints, the constraints in

Re: Auto layout semantics?

2013-09-09 Thread Kevin Cathey
Exactly right. And you can use the simplex behavior to your advantage. For example that's how you can build a fitting size method (or in other words this is how the system fitting size method works). Add a constraint with constant 0 with a lower priority and the system will crush the view as

Re: Why is translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints on in my storyboard?

2013-09-04 Thread Kevin Cathey
All top level views in XIBs and storyboards have translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints=YES. This is because most UIKit and AppKit view and controller subclasses are not yet using constraints to layout, so the default of translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints=YES is least unexpected. As

Re: NSSplitView not Resizing Subviews if Delegate is used

2013-02-21 Thread Kevin Cathey
Autolayout does not work with NSSplitView on 10.7. Auto layout does not work well with NSSplitView on 10.7. You can still have an NSSplitView in your UI and it will function, with the caveat that the min/max split positions will ignore what the constraints determine. So if you have a subview

Re: NSSplitView not Resizing Subviews if Delegate is used

2013-02-21 Thread Kevin Cathey
Michael, The issue here is that you are overriding one of several delegate methods that puts split view in compatibility mode. Essentially some of the delegate methods on NSSplitView duplicate the functionality of what you can do with auto layout. In order to keep existing applications working

Re: Bottom-edge constraint not enforced in IB but is in runtime?

2012-07-10 Thread Kevin Cathey
The default value of translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints for top level views in IB is YES on both Lion and Mountain Lion. But this can be disabled using the Attributes Inspector and uncheck Translates Mask Into Constraints Kevin On Jul 9, 2012, at 12:09 PM, Rick Mann

Re: Arrgh IB constraints

2012-07-09 Thread Kevin Cathey
BTW, if the NSSplitView hasn't been updated to use constraints in its own layout, then why does it and up changing the size at runtime? For that matter it seems like IB is expressly forbidding adding constraints to the NSSplitView's panes. There are known bugs with NSSplitView and auto

Re: Bottom-edge constraint not enforced in IB but is in runtime?

2012-05-16 Thread Kevin Cathey
Yes, this is a bug in IB. Kevin On 14 May 2012, at 01:23 , Rick Mann wrote: I have a split view with an NSView in the top part, and inside that are a couple of buttons with layout constraints to the bottom and left edge (standard distance). If I move the split bar

Re: Layout constraint related exceptions

2012-05-16 Thread Kevin Cathey
Antonio, please file a bug, this sounds like a system issue, not an issue in your code. Kevin On 16 May 2012, at 09:31 , Antonio Nunes wrote: I should add that all the reports I have received come from 10.7.4 systems, so it looks like 10.7.4 may have introduced a

Re: Using NSView fullscreen mode vs. autolayout constraints

2012-04-04 Thread Kevin Cathey
This should just work, of course that depends on the project. Please file a bug and attach the project you're seeing this with. Kevin On 3 Apr 2012, at 18:11, douglas welton wrote: Hi All, [I've read the Cocoa Autolayout release notes and googled for NSView

Re: 10.7 Auto Layout re-sizing question

2012-02-23 Thread Kevin Cathey
Jonathan, viewController = [[RemindersViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@RemindersViewController bundle:nil]; self.window.contentView = viewController.view; [[viewController view] setFrame: [myView bounds]]; Did you mean do make the content view of the window the view

Re: IB Plugin Container View and child management

2010-05-03 Thread Kevin Cathey
Hi Patrick, Currently, there is no API to accomplish this. Please feel free to file an enhancement request. Kevin On 3 May 2010, at 05:33, Patrick Mau wrote: Dear list members I have created in IB Plugin based on the Xcode template and everything works fine. If you need the completly

Re: IB Parses Class Names?

2010-04-08 Thread Kevin Cathey
Kyle has suggested the best approach. We try to make things easier to read by parsing the class name. However if you use the outline view, you can still always see the original type (GPSManager). Kevin On 7 Apr 2010, at 20:34, Kyle Sluder wrote: On Apr 7, 2010, at 3:44 PM, Patrick M.

Re: Bindings ivars

2010-04-05 Thread Kevin Cathey
Chuck, By bindings, do you mean Cocoa Bindings or a standard IBOutlet? If you mean Cocoa Bindings using the Bindings Inspector, then your control will only be accessible from code if you have made a standard outlet connection with it. Different types of connections (outlets, actions, bindings,

Re: Private ivars, not marked as IBOutlet, visible in IB

2010-03-13 Thread Kevin Cathey
Not necessarily true. While you are free to specify a delegate as NSObject YourProtocol, it is not standard convention. The convention for delegates is: idYourProtocol. Kevin On 13 Mar 2010, at 07:39, Alexander Spohr wrote: Am 13.03.2010 um 16:25 schrieb Joanna Carter: My reason for

Re: IBLibraryObjectTemplate

2010-01-14 Thread Kevin Cathey
The IBLibraryObjectTemplate is part of InterfaceBuilderKit, the framework used to create plugins for Interface Builder. Each IBLibraryObjectTemplate corresponds to an entry that appears in the library at runtime. For more, see:

Interface Builder 3.2 Release Notes

2009-10-21 Thread Kevin Cathey
I would recommend everyone read the Interface Builder 3.2 Release Notes. These highlight the new features in Interface Builder 3.2 on Snow Leopard, as well some of the issues we've addressed. I think these might clear up many of the confusions I've seen cropping up on the mailing lists.

Re: Subclassing a view class from an external framework

2009-10-15 Thread Kevin Cathey
Although Interface Builder 3 is supposed to automatically sync with header files in your project, it seems to have trouble with headers in frameworks. Which version of Interface Builder were you seeing this on? IB 3.2.x will parse the headers for all frameworks you've linked against in your

Re: IB creating NULL outlet...

2009-10-07 Thread Kevin Cathey
It shows the correct outlet name, but nothing to indicate the outlet is hooked up to this View. In the connections display (right-click on your blue-cube), if an outlet is connected, it will have a gray rounded rectangle clearly marking the outlet as connected. On the right hand side it will

Re: IB does not show Outlet/Action section in inspector

2009-09-23 Thread Kevin Cathey
1. In any of your project's nib files, go to the Library window (not the Inspector window) and select the Classes tab. Using the pop-up menu at the top, select one of your project's classes in the very long and awkward hierarchical menu. For example, your class MyDocument would appear in

Re: CAAnimation finished ?

2009-09-16 Thread Kevin Cathey
CAAnimation has a delegate you can use to be notified when an animation is complete: For more, see previous posts on the mailing list. Kevin

Re: QuickTime Animation Rendering

2009-08-28 Thread Kevin Cathey
You might be able to get more help on the quartz-dev mailing list. Kevin On 28 Aug 2009, at 02:32, Jean-Daniel Dupas wrote: Le 28 août 2009 à 03:31, Kevin Cathey a écrit : (1) Is there a way for me to create the animations with CoreAnimation Layers (CALayer and sublayers) and simply tell

Re: QuickTime Animation Rendering

2009-08-27 Thread Kevin Cathey
(1) Is there a way for me to create the animations with CoreAnimation Layers (CALayer and sublayers) and simply tell some object to write to file? If so, how? Yes, check out CARenderer. This will require some knowledge of OpenGL to do it completely correctly. See rendering to a framebuffer:

Re: Core Animation + Garbage Collection

2009-08-23 Thread Kevin Cathey
Have you enabled wants layer for the view? Kevin -- Kevin Cathey On 22 Aug 2009, at 22:21, Evan M wrote: So, it isn't Garbage Collection + Core Animation that is breaking the transition, I just refactored my entire project to remove GC support (big pain

Re: NSObjectController, content outlet and content object question

2009-06-30 Thread Kevin Cathey
Michael, In IB, Bind the textField's and Slider's values to the model Key Path selection.number. What are you binding to here? The object controller? Connect the NSOjectController's outlet ( cntrl-drag to foo). You have an outlet on Foo for the Object Controller? Another question, for the

Re: IBPlugin embedding question

2009-06-25 Thread Kevin Cathey
Doug, Normally IB plugins are intended to provide ways to add custom views (objects) and matching inspectors to configure those views (objects) not so much intended to do what I think you are trying to use it for. It sounds like you should instead create a xib/nid that contains the shared

Re: IBPlugin embedding question

2009-06-25 Thread Kevin Cathey
You should not under any circumstances modify a XIB file outside of IB. Kevin On 24 Jun 2009, at 16:10, WT wrote: Hi Doug, I don't have any experience in designing and implementing IB plugins, but I thought I'd pass along an observation that has served me well on occasions when I needed

Re: Hide Interface Builder Object?

2009-06-25 Thread Kevin Cathey
Any of Peter's solutions is what I would recommend as well. There is no built-in way to just hide an object from IB's design canvas while still having be in the document. If you feel this should not be the case, please file a bug. Kevin On 25 Jun 2009, at 01:21, Peter N Lewis wrote:

Re: Confusion about NIB loading

2009-06-24 Thread Kevin Cathey
Alternatively you could use NSNib which allows you to explicitly specify the bundle. In addition, when instantiating the nib using NSNib, you can get the top level objects to send a release message to match the implicit retain. For more info, check out the resource programming guide:

Re: Outlets not allocated

2009-06-10 Thread Kevin Cathey
Since the behavior of awakeFromNib differs between iPhone OS and Mac OS X, using windowDidLoad or viewDidLoad will ensure you only receive that message once: when the window or view is loaded. Kevin -- Kevin Cathey On 10 Jun 2009, at 09:56, Micha Fuhrmann wrote

Re: A couple questions about graphics

2009-06-06 Thread Kevin Cathey
in that. Check out the Mac OS X OpenGL Programming Guide: Kevin -- Kevin Cathey On 5 Jun 2009, at 21:33

Re: custom NSViews and subviews - creating in IB

2009-05-11 Thread Kevin Cathey
as many times as you needed. For information on how to do this, see the Resource Programming guide: Kevin -- Kevin Cathey On 11 May

Re: C numerical libraries for integrating with Cocoa

2009-04-17 Thread Kevin Cathey
Check out the Accelerate framework. It includes standard libraries like LAPACK, BLAS, vDSP, and vImage: Kevin -- Kevin Cathey On 17 Apr 2009, at 11:56, Chris Goedde wrote: Hi, I'm looking

Re: NSOpenGLView and antialiasing

2009-04-15 Thread Kevin Cathey
Unfortunately, yes. Make sure your +defaultPixelFormat has the attributes NSOpenGLPFASampleBuffers set to 1, and NSOpenGLPFASamples set to something like 4, 8, or 16. Kevin -- Kevin Cathey On 15 Apr 2009, at 15:31, rqtikk wrote: I'm doing as described

Re: Changing CAConstraint for a CALayer

2009-04-11 Thread Kevin Cathey
Constraints are immutable objects, once you create them, you cannot change them. This is a limitation of the constraint layout manager. If you need more fine-grain control, use a custom layout manager. Kevin -- Kevin Cathey On 10 Apr 2009, at 12:15, Rama Krishna

Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-05 Thread Kevin Cathey
that clears some stuff up. Kevin -- Kevin Cathey ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at)

Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-04 Thread Kevin Cathey
-- Kevin Cathey Namaste! Just want to pass on some further information. After that last post, the assertion error really bothered me. So, after a while of careful inspection (to the limits of what I know), I decided to and clean[ed] all targets of both the debug and release builds and re