Re: Status Bar Search Field Can't Get Focus w/ LSUIElement PList Setting

2009-10-16 Thread Dalmazio Brisinda
In case anyone that is interested, I've solved this problem. Here's how: In the -awakeFromNib method, add the following two lines (where statusItem is an NSStatusItem *): [statusItem setAction:@selector(statusItemClicked:)]; [statusItem setTarget:self]; and make sure to

Re: Status Bar Search Field Can't Get Focus w/ LSUIElement PList Setting

2009-10-16 Thread Dalmazio Brisinda
Oops. I spoke too soon. It *seems* to work because I send a URL off to Safari (which becomes active) and then with Safari active I try clicking on the status bar item and the search field accepts focus. But if I switch to another application first, the same problem appears as before. I

Status Bar Search Field Can't Get Focus w/ LSUIElement PList Setting

2009-10-15 Thread Dalmazio Brisinda
I'm having a problem getting a NSSearchField to work properly in an NSStatusItem a la the Apple Help menu or the Apple Spotlight menu. Here's what's happening. I create my custom NSStatusItem / menu / custom view/ search field, and insert into into the status bar in -awakeFromNib. Setting