The method signature is:

public func enumerateBytes(_ block: (UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>, Data.Index, 
inout Bool) -> Swift.Void)

From trying out the version from NSData in Objective-C years ago, and this 
method’s own explanation, I know the third closure parameter controls whether 
to keep iterating. Instead of a pointer and a range, we have a buffer and index 
for the first two closure parameters. I guess the span information has just 
moved from the second to the first parameter. The first parameter has changed 
from a pointer to the start of the memory segment to a buffer enclosing the 
segment’s start and span. The second parameter used to represent which span of 
bytes within the total NSData object are modeled in the segment, now I guess 
it’s now the index within the Data object where the modeled segment starts. Is 
my guess correct?

Daryle Walker
Mac, Internet, and Video Game Junkie
darylew AT mac DOT com 


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