Re: NSMutableArray Problem

2008-02-21 Thread Keith Duncan
Now, that being said, I'm not sure why you're getting the warning about distinct ObjC types. An API expecting an NSArray can be passed an NSMutableArray, the converse however isn't true. Casting the return value of - componentsSeparatedByString: to a mutable array won't make it one. Keith

Re: Optional methods

2008-02-21 Thread Keith Duncan
I'd like to create an informal protocol where objects can have an optional method. Though you don't say which SDK you are targeting; if you're using Obj- C 2.0 then you can also use a formal protocol and the @optional directive. Keith ___

Re: initWithFrame not being called on my NSImageView subclass

2008-02-21 Thread Quincey Morris
On Feb 21, 2008, at 14:06, Ken Ferry wrote: Hm, sorry if the docs confused you.. if you can point at the docs that made you think this, it'd be great to have a bug. There's:

Re: Initializing NSDecimalTabStopType returns NSRightTabStopType

2008-02-21 Thread Aki Inoue
Ross, Thank you for filing the bug. Indeed there is a bug in NSTextTab. Fortunately, it only affects -tabStopType method. The actual instance created works as a decimal tab. Aki On 2008/02/21, at 14:30, Ross Carter wrote: I've filed a bug on this (5757951) but I hope there's a

Re: Core Data problems

2008-02-21 Thread John Gustafsson
I was kind of hoping to just get this simple thing going, and then I could learn more cocoa from there. I'm quite familiar with frameworks on the whole, but I need kind of an in. I never could learn as well from reading as from doing:) I was kind of hoping that this would be quite a simple

Re: quirky default button coloring

2008-02-21 Thread Daniel Child
You're right it turned out to be a focus issue. I was looking into FirstResponder (before posting the question but it didn't seem right), but as Ken Ferry pointed out, the issue was actually on my computer: a preference setting where focus moves to all objects, not just text fields. Plus

Re: xibs working OK?

2008-02-21 Thread Jonathan Hess
On Feb 21, 2008, at 4:27 PM, Chris Ryland wrote: Other than sporadic mentions of problems hither and thither, I don't see anyone complaining about using .xib (vs .nib) format much. Hey Chris - A NIB 3.0 file is actually just a NIB 2.x file with a XIB file embedded. So, if you've been

Re: fresh newbie question

2008-02-21 Thread Nir Soffer
On Feb 18, 2008, at 16:59, Mei Fang Liau wrote: I wrote a controller class inherited from NSObject, which contains a outlet with the main window (NSWindow) as the destination. This outlet is used to scan the main window's subviews and find all check boxes and store them in an array. Can I

Predicate works with array controller but not fetch request

2008-02-21 Thread Kimo
I have a Core Data app with an entity that contains a date attribute, called startTime. I have a predicate defined as startTime = today. If I apply that predicate to an array controller using setFilterPredicate, it works fine. However, if I use the same predicate with NSFetchRequest, it

[self setLayer:] in initWithFrame:

2008-02-21 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
I provide an initWithFrame: for my NSView subclass, and as it is a stand-in for a Custom View in IB the method is called. It does initialize all my instance variables as expected. However, when I try to turn my view into a layer-hosting view with: CALayer* rootLayer = [CALayer layer];

Re: [self setLayer:] in initWithFrame:

2008-02-21 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
If you don't have layer backing turned on in the nib file the view loading machinery turns off layer backing after initWithFrame: is called. Ah, that explains it! From my understanding (and the docs don't elaborate on this much at all), I *don't* want to do that, since I need to provide