I have already filed a bug report on this ( rdar://7602076 ) and am mostly 
wondering if there is any possible workaround while keeping the spotlight 
importer in the application bundle.

Basically what is going on is that there are two different versions of the same 
application. Version 1.0 of the application has version 1.0 of the spotlight 
importer. Version 2.0 of the application has version 2.0 of the spotlight 

As I understand it, Mac OS X should only try to use the newest version of the 
spotlight importer and yet both will show up when I do a mdimport -L - I am 
assuming this is a problem.

Both spotlight importers have the same CFBundleIdentifier and denote their 
version with CFBundleVersion.

I could, of course, install the spotlight importer into /Library and make sure 
that only the latest version is there, but I like keeping them with the 

Thoughts? Comments?


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