On Feb 18, 2008, at 16:59, Mei Fang Liau wrote:

I wrote a controller class inherited from NSObject, which contains a outlet with the main window (NSWindow) as the destination. This outlet is used to scan the main window's subviews and find all check boxes and store them in an array. Can I also do the same thing with a controller inherited from NSView? On the main window there are some check boxes and a custom view. I would like to change the color of my custom view according to the check boxes' status. But I find out that I can't likewise just set an Outlet for
this subclass of NSView and scan the content of the main window... can
anyone give me some suggestion? (or what tutorial I should check out...
there are just too many functionalities I am lost :o)

You don't need to scan for checkboxes.

You create a checkbox matrix by adding a checkbox and then resizing it with the Option key pressed. Then you connect the checkbox to some action in your controller, e.g. changeSelection:. Each time the user change the selection, your action is called and can check the state and change the custom view color.

If you have multiple checkboxes groups, you either have an outlet for each, or keep the state in some other way in your controller and update it when the user makes a change.

Your controller can look like this:

@interface MyController : NSObject
        IBOutlet NSButton *checkboxMatrix;
        IBOutlet MyView *colorView;
- (IBAction)changeSelection:(id)sender;

@implementation MyController

- (IBAction)changeSelection:(id)sender;
        // check sender state and update the view
        [view setColor:[NSColor redColor]];
        [view setNeedsDisplay:YES];


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Best Regards,

Nir Soffer


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