I thought that i would try to update the "hosting.xml" page
before the upcoming release. I searched the cocoon-users
email archive via MARC and added some recent changes.

However, then i started to get confused. There seemed
to be requests for modifications to non-existent entries.
I did some digging in the various CVS Attic directories.
It appears that when hosting.xml started into Cocoon2 CVS,
only a few entries were carried over from Cocoon 1.
Those sites were only offering Cocoon 1 hosting and
many still say so in the current hosting.xml page.
This led me to believe that the new page was the only
relevant page and that the old C1 page was not being
maintained (now i am not sure).

Does anyone remember why this happened? Perhaps
there was some legitimate reason.

Anyway, i think that we now need some clear guidelines
as to the purpose of the current hosting.xml page.

Here are some issues that i can see ...

1) Should the C2 hosting page continue to try to specify
whether they provide C2 or C1 services? We could just
not say and leave it up to the user to enquire by contacting
the relevant provider.

2) How do we get the relevant sites from C1 hosting page
onto the C2 hosting page? Some sites are probably not
relevant anymore. However some will want to be there
and probably do not understand why they were not
copied over.

3) Should we continue to maintain the C1 page or should
we simply remove all entries and point to the C2 page,
or should we just add a notice that it is not going to be

I propose a simple solution ...
Tidy up the current C2 hosting page, then send a message
to cocoon-users saying that the old page is not being
maintained and ask if anyone else wants to be copied over.

This supposedly quick job has turned into a nightmare!


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