Re: Mail Format!!

2002-12-18 Thread David Crossley
Hong Gia Dinh wrote:
> Hi all,
> i am wondering about the complaints about my mail format!! i really dont
> understand!! because my mail server system just send out plain text
> format!!so i really dont understand why!!
> can Cocoon mail server admins check this problem for me???
> sorry for troubles from my mail format
> GD

Hello Gia Dinh, you are right - you are not sending
HTML email (so that is good). However your mails are
very difficult to read (which is why Konstantin commented).
They are MIME emails, and the font-size is an extremely
small setting.


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Mail Format!!

2002-12-18 Thread Hong Gia Dinh
Title: Mail Format!!

Hi all,

i am wondering about the complaints about my mail format!! i really dont understand!! because my mail server system just send out plain text format!!so i really dont understand why!!

can Cocoon mail server admins check this problem for me???

sorry for troubles from my mail format