Re: [CLI] Breaking CocoonBean Interface

2003-06-10 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Upayavira wrote:

It is only mentioned along with the  node in the cli.xconf.
If I removed that option in the xconf file, setDestDir would go

No; you don't need to remove the option, and you don't need to change
config file at all. Do you want me to show you how? :)

Go for it!

Done. Please verify that all is all right. "build docs" still works 
which is a good sign ;-)


Re: [CLI] Breaking CocoonBean Interface

2003-06-06 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Upayavira wrote:



It is particularly the removal of the Destination interface that
breaks the interface. However, removing the setDestDir will
certainly make a cleaner interface. I'll do that.


I didn't remove it in the end, because it would have taken quite a
bit of plumbing to work around its non-presence (in order to at least
keep the CLI interface the same). 


Hm... I found only one place to be changed in Line 481,
need to pass destDir. Otherwise, there is no major changes in CLI.

It is only mentioned along with the  node in the cli.xconf. If 
I removed that option in the xconf file, setDestDir would go easily.

No; you don't need to remove the option, and you don't need to change 
config file at all. Do you want me to show you how? :)


Re: [CLI] Breaking CocoonBean Interface

2003-06-06 Thread Upayavira
> >It is only mentioned along with the  node in the cli.xconf.
> >If I removed that option in the xconf file, setDestDir would go
> >easily.
> >
> No; you don't need to remove the option, and you don't need to change
> config file at all. Do you want me to show you how? :)

Go for it!


Re: [CLI] Breaking CocoonBean Interface

2003-06-06 Thread Upayavira

> >>>It is particularly the removal of the Destination interface that
> >>>breaks the interface. However, removing the setDestDir will
> >>>certainly make a cleaner interface. I'll do that.

> >I didn't remove it in the end, because it would have taken quite a
> >bit of plumbing to work around its non-presence (in order to at least
> >keep the CLI interface the same). 

> Hm... I found only one place to be changed in Line 481,
> need to pass destDir. Otherwise, there is no major changes in CLI.

It is only mentioned along with the  node in the cli.xconf. If 
I removed that option in the xconf file, setDestDir would go easily.

However, that would require the user to specify the destination for 
every uri in the xconf file. Is that okay, or should I provide another
way to provide a catch all destination, e.g:


> And one more thing..., line 166: error text does not
> make much sense in Bean context (what is "-d"? :), this text is
> appropriate in 

Yup. Should be an exception and Main reports it.

> And System.exit should be replaced with
> exception, I guess you already know this.


Thanks, Upayavira

Re: [CLI] Breaking CocoonBean Interface

2003-06-05 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Upayavira wrote:

On 4 Jun 2003 at 23:22, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:


It is particularly the removal of the Destination interface that
breaks the interface. However, removing the setDestDir will certainly
make a cleaner interface. I'll do that.

Thanks. Sorry for me being slow.

Slow to reply, or slow to understand? ;-)

I didn't remove it in the end, because it would have taken quite a bit of plumbing to 
work around its non-presence (in order to at least keep the CLI interface the same). 

Hm... I found only one place to be changed in Line 481, need 
to pass destDir. Otherwise, there is no major changes in CLI.

Perhaps I should deprecate it and remove it later?

It's not the best idea because this class was just recently created. 
It's better either to leave it alone or remove.

And one more thing..., line 166: error text does not 
make much sense in Bean context (what is "-d"? :), this text is 
appropriate in And System.exit should be replaced with 
exception, I guess you already know this.


Re: [CLI] Breaking CocoonBean Interface

2003-06-05 Thread Upayavira
On 4 Jun 2003 at 23:22, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

> >It is particularly the removal of the Destination interface that
> >breaks the interface. However, removing the setDestDir will certainly
> >make a cleaner interface. I'll do that.
> Thanks. Sorry for me being slow.

Slow to reply, or slow to understand? ;-)

I didn't remove it in the end, because it would have taken quite a bit of plumbing to 
work around its non-presence (in order to at least keep the CLI interface the same). 
Perhaps I should deprecate it and remove it later?

Thanks again.


Re: [CLI] Breaking CocoonBean Interface

2003-06-04 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Upayavira wrote:
It is particularly the removal of the Destination interface that breaks the interface. 
However, removing the setDestDir will certainly make a cleaner interface. I'll do that.

Thanks. Sorry for me being slow.


Re: [CLI] Breaking CocoonBean Interface

2003-06-03 Thread Upayavira

> >>   dest="build/dest/"/>  >   src="index.html" 
> >dest="build/dest/docs.html"/>
> >>dest="zip://*.zip/page.html"/>
> It took me some time to understand meaning of "append", "replace",
> "insert". Can we choose some other names for this, and/or combine
> append and replace types together? (What would happen in "replace"
> type while processing more than one page?) Also, what goes instead of
> '*' in "insert"?

Append sticks the uri of the generated page onto the end of the dest uri.
Replace just uses the dest uri, ignoring the uri of the generated page.
Insert lets you put the uri of the generated page into the middle of the dest uri.

Is that any clearer?

I can't see how they can be merged, as they do very different things. However, I'm 
quite open to better names, although I suspect that better explanations might work 
just as well. When posted, I'll publish docs on the Wiki. I'm happy to create xdocs 
if you can point me in the right direction.

> And one more question... Can you remind me why src-prefix attribute is
> necessary? My guess is that it specifies "base" directory, and no
> crawling happens above it. If my guess is right, attribute can be
> named "src-base"...

The src-prefix is the part of the uri of the generated page that isn't used when 
the destination uri. So if you have src-prefix="documents/" and src="index.html" and 
dest="site/", your final uri would be "site/index.html". 

If you skipped the src-prefix, you'd need src="documents/index.html" instead, which 
would result in "site/documents/index.html". It will then be impossible to get rid of 
'documents' from the URI without creating an entirely new webapp.

> >It is this that breaks the interface to the CocoonBean. Now, instead
> >of passing a Map of destinations, or a single destination, you call
> >addTarget(). There are a number of versions of this method, with
> >increasing functionality:
> >
> >CocoonBean cocoon = new CocoonBean();
> >
> >// Functionality most like before:
> >cocoon.setDestDir("built/dest/");
> >
> CocoonBean was introduced just recently and we had no single beta
> release yet, so I think it's ok to break this interface. If method
> setDestDir is not necessary anymore, feel free to remove it.

It is particularly the removal of the Destination interface that breaks the interface. 
However, removing the setDestDir will certainly make a cleaner interface. I'll do that.

Thanks for your comments.


Re: [CLI] Breaking CocoonBean Interface

2003-06-03 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Upayavira wrote:

Dear All,


The changes include:
1) Improved broken link handling
2) Replaced Destination interface with ModifiableSources



It took me some time to understand meaning of "append", "replace", 
"insert". Can we choose some other names for this, and/or combine append 
and replace types together? (What would happen in "replace" type while 
processing more than one page?) Also, what goes instead of '*' in "insert"?

And one more question... Can you remind me why src-prefix attribute is 
necessary? My guess is that it specifies "base" directory, and no 
crawling happens above it. If my guess is right, attribute can be named 

It is this that breaks the interface to the CocoonBean. Now, instead of passing a 
Map of destinations, or a single destination, you call addTarget(). There are a 
number of versions of this method, with increasing functionality:

CocoonBean cocoon = new CocoonBean();

// Functionality most like before:
CocoonBean was introduced just recently and we had no single beta 
release yet, so I think it's ok to break this interface. If method 
setDestDir is not necessary anymore, feel free to remove it.
